Android example using best practices
- Arch - MVVM with Repository pattern
- DI - Hilt/Dagger
- StateManagement - StateFlow - Over LiveData
- UI - Compose - Over XML
- Networking - Retrofit/Moshi
- Database - Room
- Images - Vector/WebP only
- Design - Material Components with Dark Theme with Rotation
- Navigation - Navigation Components
- Activity - Single Activity with views for screens in Compose
- Caching Management - Store which has Memory, and Database caching
- Threading - Coroutines
- Gradle Files - Kotlin and dependencies in Version Catalog
- Kotlin - Warnings as errors enforced
- DateTime - Java 8 desugaring
- Lint - Warnings as errors
- Accessibilty - Kept in mind
- KTlint - Required to pass
- Jacoco - Code Coverage report