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Extra steps needed to plot waveforms from the L1Bs and L1B products

Albert Garcia-Mondejar edited this page Apr 8, 2016 · 8 revisions
  • L1BS

In the L1Bs we would have for each record "look_i_samples_ku" and "look_q_samples_ku" variables with the following dimensions:

  • nl_dimension: ~256 as default value
  • ns_dimension: 128 as default value

They can be imagined as two matrixes with 256x128 values each one.

1-The first step is to scale each of the variables for its scaling factor.

look_i_scaled_samples_ku = look_i_samples_ku * i_scale_factor_ku look_q_scaled_samples_ku = look_q_samples_ku * q_scale_factor_ku

2-We have to combine the I and the Q matrixes forming the complex matrix following:

look_complex_samples_ku = look_i_samples_ku + i * look_q_samples_ku

where "i" is the complex number (resulting from the square root of -1).

3-As the "look_fft_samples_ku" are still complex values, the final step will be to perform the absolute value and the square.

look_power_samples_ku = abs(look_complex_samples_ku ^2)

Just to have a guide, in Matlab we normally execute this line for each record so we perform all the steps at the same time: mesh((abs((look_i_samples_ku * i_scale_factor_ku)+ i*(look_q_samples_ku * q_scale_factor_ku))).^2)

4-Then the last one would be plot the matrix look_power_samples_ku

  • L1B

From the L1B we would have for each record the "i2q2_meas_ku_l1b_echo_sar_ku" variable with the following dimensions:

  • ns_dimension: 128 as default value

1-The only thing we need to do here is scaling the waveforms i2q2_meas_scaled_ku_l1b_echo_sar_ku = i2q2_meas_ku_l1b_echo_sar_ku * waveform_scale_factor_l1b_echo_sar_ku

2-Then the last one would be plot the vector i2q2_meas_scaled_ku_l1b_echo_sar_ku