A Gladiatus battle simulator This library uses the GladiatusPlayerStatsAPI library to retrieve players' data.
Simulating arena battles
$results = arena_simulator(
// Attacker player's info
'country' => 'gr',
'server' => '4',
'name' => 'darkthanos',
'id' => null
// Defender player's info
'country' => 'gr',
'server' => '4',
'name' => 'greatapo',
'id' => null
// Simulation parameters
'life-mode' => 'current', // current / full / unlimited
'simulates' => '10000' // do 10000 battles and return results
Simulating turma battles
$results = turma_arena_simulator(
// attacker player's info
'country' => 'gr',
'server' => '4',
'name' => 'darkthanos',
'id' => null
// Defender player's info
'country' => 'gr',
'server' => '4',
'name' => 'greatapo',
'id' => null
// Simulation parameters
'simulates' => '500' // do 500 battles and return results
Note: The player name
is case sensitive. One can use an id instead.
Turma simulation is approximate since we are unaware of the exact formular used. Here is what we have uncovered and how the simulator currently works:
Each fighter has a threat based on which he attracts hits (chance to be hit = threat / total threat from all players). A fighter's threat is increased with each attack/heal he does.
Every time a fighter hits another fighter, his threat is increased by: (if he is a healer, his initial threat is 0 no matter the item he wears)
2 * initial threat + 2 * damage
When a healer heals, his threat is increased by:
1 * heal done
For fighters in defense stance, the above formulas are exact. For fighters in attack/heal stance these formular slightly deviate for yet unknown reasons. If you want to research how turma works, use GCA's integrated dungeon/turma reports analyser.