A parameter-light micro-attention mechanism
A plug-and-play lightweight attention component for sequence modeling.
MicroAttention is built on the hypothesis that the most generalized form of attention can be expressed as generating a contextual vector for each time step, which is weighted and aggregated in a well-justified manner.
In causal modeling, this form can be computed recursively by accumulating all past weighted V sums and score sums, with context vectors generated through dynamic normalization by dividing by the score sum.
- 🔋 Lightweight: Minimizes all non-essential components
- ⚡ Efficient Inference: Only maintains one scalar and one vector
- 🔌 No Position Encoding Required
- ⚙️ Flexible: Supports both parallel training and recursive inference
In MicroAttention, I minimize all non-essential components where:
- Input
directly plays the role of both v and k - Query (q) consists of multiple learnable global semantic vectors forming the score matrix, which somewhat compensates for the lack of dynamically generated k, q, and v
We chose ReLU activation for three main advantages:
- Non-negativity
- Preserves original activation scale, making certain tokens stand out
- Simple computation and numerical stability
These characteristics allow it to achieve effects closer to softmax during dynamic normalization.
The original score vector is summed to synthesize the scores of p queries, which further polarizes the token score distribution.
The differential computation serves multiple purposes:
- Acts as a form of residual connection
- Encodes position information to some degree
- Provides a gating effect - producing fewer activations when current representations are similar to historical states
Here's the complete implementation of MicroAttention:
class MicroAttention(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, args: ModelArgs):
self.dim = args.dim
self.p = args.p
# Scoring matrix
self.ScoresMatrix = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(self.p, self.dim))
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
# Output projection
self.out_proj = nn.Linear(self.dim, self.dim, bias=False)
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
B, S, D = x.shape
# 1. Calculate semantic scores [B, S, P], ReLU for polarized positive output
scores = self.relu(torch.einsum('bsd,pd->bsp', x, self.Matrix))
# 2. Normalize over P dimension to get weights for each position [B, S, 1]
scores_normalized = scores.sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
# 3. Calculate weighted representation [B, S, D]
weighted = x * scores_normalized
# 4. Cumsum over sequence dimension [B, S, D]
cum_weighted = torch.cumsum(weighted, dim=1)
cum_scores = torch.cumsum(scores_normalized, dim=1) # [B, S, 1]
# 5. Calculate attention [B, S, D]
attn = cum_weighted / (cum_scores + 1e-9)
# 6. Calculate difference
diff = x - attn
return self.out_proj(diff)
The three models in the figure were trained on the TinyStories dataset with autoregression and a max_seq_len of 512, with MicroAttention taking a p-value of 50, which can be seen to be effective in mitigating the long-term dependency problem and obtaining a Transformer-style descent curve (but of course, don't expect it to have a Transformer's full performance)
Note: This is an after-school experimental implementation aimed at exploring lightweight attention mechanisms. All feedback and discussions are welcome!