SeaBase is a tool for searching, analysing and sharing gene expression data of marine organisms.
General requirements:
- Ruby version 2.3
- MySQL server version 5.7
- Web Server for production (Nginx, or Apache)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mysql-server csh libqt4-dev
Get source code and switch to production branch
git clone
cd gnrd
git checkout production
Create directories for database and configuration files
sudo mkdir -p /opt/seabase/data/mysql
sudo chown 999:999 -R /opt/seabase/data/mysql
sudo cp ./config/seabase-dev.env ./config/seabase-production.env
Modify seabase-production.env
to suit your needs.
Run compose in daemon mode from the project's root directory
nohup docker-compose up -d
Javascript tests use capybara-webkit, which requires installation of QT Webkit library, you can find installations instruction on capybara-webkit wiki
bundle exec rake db:migrate SEABASE_ENV=test
bundle exec rake db:seed SEABASE_ENV=test
bundle exec rake
Also look at .travis.yml file for more information
Docker and Docker Compose need to be installed on the host machine
sudo rm -rf .sass-cache
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose run app db:reset
docker-compose run app db:seed SEABASE_ENV=test
docker exec -it seabase_app_1 rake
For some reason docker-compose run app rake
does not work for webkit-based
Code: Nathan Wilson,Dmitry Mozzherin
Copyright (c) 2014 Marine Biological Laboratory. See LICENSE for further details.