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Omnibase is a simulator of a 4 wheel drive robot. The robot is an omniwheeled robot and can move in any direction in the X-Y plane and rotate about its axis.

For more detailed documentation click here.


  • Install ROS melodic from ROS website.

  • Install some system dependencies by:

sudo apt install python-wstool python-catkin-tools  \
	ros-melodic-joint-state-controller  \
	ros-melodic-effort-controllers  \
	ros-melodic-joint-trajectory-controller  \
	ros-melodic-position-controllers  \
  • Package installation from debian:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-melodic-omnibase-control 
sudo apt install ros-melodic-omnibase-gazebo 
sudo apt install ros-melodic-omnibase-description

  • Package installation from source:
# Clone repo 
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone

# Build the workspace
cd ..
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash


To use this simulator use:

# To launch empty world
roslaunch omnibase_gazebo omnibase.launch

# To launch obstacle rich env
roslaunch omnibase_gazebo omnibase_world1.launch

# To test the bot run the teleop_node
rosrun omnibase_control teleop_node