Tectono-thermodynamic deep carbon flux modelling workflows from Muller et al. (G3, in press) "Solid Earth carbon degassing and sequestration since 1 billion years ago" based on this plate model: Müller, R.D., Flament, N., Cannon, J., Tetley, M., Williams, S.E., Cao, X., Bodur, Ö.F., Zahirovic, S. and Merdith, A., 2022, A tectonic-rules based mantle reference frame since 1 billion years ago–implications for supercontinent cycles and plate-mantle system evolution, Solid Earth, 13, 1127.
- pyGPlates
- PlateTectonicTools
- gplately
- Slab-Dip
- melt
- joblib (these workflows use parallelisation with joblib and cannot be run on a single thread).
Run the following notebooks and workflows to prepare the input files required to run these notebooks.
/utils/A-SeafloorGrids.ipynb: This generates seafloor age grids and spreading rate grids based on an input plate model.
/utils/Min-Mean-Max-Crustal-Carbon This generates crustal carbon grids needed to run 01-Sources-of-Carbon.
Generate total sediment thickness grids for 1000-0Ma from EarthByte's predicting sediment thickness workflow.
Generate carbonate sediment thickness grids for 170-0Ma from EarthByte's CarbonateSedimentThickness workflow.
Generate contoured continental masks for 1000-0Ma from EarthByte's continent contouring workflow.
The notebooks will reference these grids using the following directory structure:
# Change this: Directories to age grids and spreading rate grids
grid_directory = "./Muller2022_InputGrids/"
spreadrate_filename = grid_directory+"SpreadingRate/Muller2022_SPREADING_RATE_grid_{:.1f}Ma.nc"
agegrid_filename = grid_directory+"SeafloorAge/Muller2022_SEAFLOOR_AGE_grid_{:.1f}Ma.nc"
This can be changed to suit the directory made for the input grids above, or the input grids can be saved to the following directory structure for ease of running the notebooks (i.e. they have been designed to run with the following directory structure):
- CarbonateSediment - carbonate sediment thickness grids from EarthByte's CarbonateSedimentThickness workflow.
- ContinentalMasks - passive margins, trenches and contoured continent polygon gpmls, as well as continent masks made from contoured/buffered continental polygons in EarthByte's continent contouring workflow. These use the Muller et al. (2022) ref frame. The current version is based on the plate model in webDAV: https://www.earthbyte.org/webdav/ftp/Data_Collections/Muller_etal_2022_SE/Muller_etal_2022_SE_Merdith21_PMAG-ref-frame-oceanic-crustal-agegrids_v1.2.1.zip
There is also ContinentalMasksNoArcs, which includes masks made from a manually-edited COB-continent combined file in /utils/COB_polygons_and_coastlines_combined_1000_0_Merdith_etal_no_arcs.gpml. We need this file to ignore island arcs when calculating continental platform degassing in notebook 4.
- CrustalCarbon - grids made using CO2_review_paper/Muller_etal_2022/utils/Min-Mean-Max-Crustal-Carbon.ipynb using the plate model in webDAV/
- SeafloorAge - grids made with /utils/A-SeafloorGrids.ipynb from the continent masks in /ContinentalMasks/. Considers a full spreading rate in units of mm/yr.
- SpreadingRate - as for SeafloorAge. Considers a full spreading rate in units of mm/yr.
- TotalSediment - total sediment thickness grids from EarthByte's predicting sediment thickness workflow.
Once the input files above have been generated, run the following notebooks in order:
Some auxiliary notebooks for animations and plots are in /utils/:
- 0A-Cumulative-Subducted-Carbon.ipynb
- 0B-Miscellaneous-Plots.ipynb
- 0C-Carbon-Panel-Plots.ipynb
- 0D-Carbon-Panel-Plot-Videos.ipynb