A dark color scheme based on Corperation. Check out the color scheme on VimColors!
There is still a lot of room for improvement so feel free to send me idea through the issue tracker or pull request.
If you are using Pathogen then install plugin in /bundle folder
If you have suggestions or things to add then send a pull request. If I like it then I will merge them (Color schemes are a subjective thing).
NOTE: If you're going to send a pull request that you want me to merge, please post a comment in it with before/after screenshots!
These are some screenshots of the theme but they might no be the most up to date (will try my best). Even though they might not be the most up to date they will give you a good idea of what it is about. (NOTE: Some of these screen shots were taken on different environments and the fonts are different. Revolution does not change the font that you set.)
##Lua Script
The MIT License (MIT) Revolution is licensed under the MIT license.