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Docker container with Puppeteer and Cucumber-js

An image that includes a headless chrome setup with puppeteer and cucumber-js.

This image can be used to run acceptance tests with features written in cucumber.

Use with Docker-compose

Compose file:

    image: enrise/puppeteer-cucumber:latest
      - ./features:/home/node/app/features

Run your tests:

docker-compose run puppeteer

even with options:

docker-compose run puppeteer --tags '@focus'

Use with Docker

Run your tests:

docker run -v `pwd`/features/:/home/node/app/features enrise/puppeteer-cucumber:latest

with option:

docker run -v `pwd`/features/:/home/node/app/features enrise/puppeteer-cucumber:latest --tags '@focus'

Run as current user

See the example on how to run the test as the current user (especially important when creating screenshots)

Included packages

I included a few packages to make this image more versatile. Included packages:

  • Puppeteer
  • Cucumber
  • Chai, Chai-http, Chai-dom, Chai-json
  • Axios
  • Lodash
  • Cucumber-html-reporter
  • Cucumber-puppeteer (this package includes a lot of step definitions out of the box!)
  • Cucumber-puppeteer-axe (this package includes a few extra step definitions to test for accessibility)


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