Pipeline designed for Vibrio genus
Dowload the pipeline using the command:
git clone https://github.com/EnvGen/Degprimer_design
The pipeline uses the programs:
snakemake 3.13.3
muscle v3.8.1551
Degeprime v1.1.0
mfeprimer 3.2.3
conda create -n primers -c bioconda snakemake=3.13.3 muscle=3.8.1551
Degeprime and MFEprimer must be manually downloaded if you want to use a different version.
set pipeline parameters in config_primer_design.json using the command:
nano config_primer_design.json
and modify the parameters and save changes by taping ctrl x
and tape y
"work_dir": "/absolute/path/to/primer_design/",
"tar_gff_files": "/absolute/pat/to/genome_gff_files.tar", -- tar file downloaded from NCBI, "no required if "gene_sequences" provided --
"tar_file_genomes": "/absolute/path/to/genome_fasta.tar", -- tar file downloaded from NCBI, "no required if "gene_sequences" provided --
"NCBI_gene_name": "your option", -- NCBI name of the target gene (required), e.g., "GroEL", "'16S ribosomal RNA'" --
"NCBI_gene_region": "your option", -- standard NCBI region name of the target gene (required), e.g., "CDS", "exon" --
"gff_file": "/absolute/path/to/gff_with_selected_gene_annotation.gff", -- if file doesn't exits, it will be generated using "tar_gff_files" --
"gene_sequences": "/absolute/path/to/gene_sequeneces.fna", -- if not provided it will be generated using "tar_gff_files", "tar_file_genomes", and "gff_file" --
"muscle_params": "-maxiters 3",
"trim_degeprime": "-min 0.9",
"degeneracies": "4,12",
"primer_sizes": "17,18,19,20,21,22",
"primer_selection_parameters": "-c 0.99 -g 40", -- -c stands for coverage (fraction) and -g for minimum GC content (%) --
"amplicon_size": "50,550" -- minimum and maximum amplicon size --
"threads": 6, -- Number of CPUs to be used --
"Output_suffix_name": "your option", -- Remember to rename it if you changed one of the parameters --
run the pipeline using the commands:
`conda activate primers`
`snakemake -s design_primer --cores <number of threads>`
Directory Results
file "List_<Output_suffix_name>": Lists all possible primer pairs combinations of selected primers
file "primers_<Output_suffix_name>_table": Lists of selected primers. It includes primer name, sequences, reverse complement, degeneracy, length, GC range, TM range
Directory MSA
It contains the multiple sequence alignment generated by muscle file `MSA_<Output_suffix_name>`, and the file `timmed_align_file_from_MSA_<Output_suffix_name>` generated by Degeprime
Directory Potential_primers
It contains the files generated by MFEprimer (dimer and hairpin primer evaluation) and by Degeprime