Small and very fast portable launcher and updater for Chromium.
- Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11 32-bit/64-bit
- An SSE2-capable CPU
KB2533623KB3063858 update for Windows 7 was required [x64 / x32]�
- Bitcoin (BTC)
- Ethereum (ETC)
- Paypal (USD)
- Yandex Money (RUB)
Binaries have GPG signature chrlauncher.exe.sig
in application folder.
- Public key: pubkey.asc (
- Key ID: 0x5635B5FD
- Fingerprint: D985 2361 1524 AB29 BE73 30AC 2881 20A7 5635 B5FD
chrlauncher has feature to use portable Chromium as default browser and it will be open links from another programs through chrlauncher.
- start "SetDefaultBrowser.bat" (as admin).
- start "Control panel" -> "Default programs" -> "Set your default programs" -> "chrlauncher" and set all checkboxes on.
There is list of arguments overrides .ini options
-autodownload - auto download update and install it!
-bringtofront - bring chrlauncher window to front when download started
-forcecheck - force update checking
-wait - start browser only when check/download/install update complete
-update - use chrlauncher as updater, but does not start Chromium
- as launcher - Chromium based (like Google Chrome, Opera, Yandex Browser, Vivaldi, etc.) and Firefox based (Mozilla Firefox, Basilisk, Pale Moon, Waterfox, etc.)
- as updater - Chromium only
- By default Chromium encrypt profile with user SID, which is disabled by Chrome++, so it is recomended. Starting with version 2.7 of chrlauncher it added support of Chrome++.
# Custom Chromium update URL (string):
# Command line for Chromium (string):
# See here:
ChromiumCommandLine=--flag-switches-begin --user-data-dir=..\profile --no-default-browser-check --disable-logging --no-report-upload --flag-switches-end
# Chromium executable file name (string):
# Chromium binaries directory (string):
# Relative (to chrlauncher directory) or full path (env. variables supported).
# Set Chromium binaries architecture (integer):
# 0 -> autodetect (default)
# 64 -> 64-bit
# 32 -> 32-bit
# Auto download updates if found (boolean)
# false -> show tray tip if update found, downloading manually (default)
# true -> auto download update and install it!
# Bring chrlauncher window when download started (boolean)
# false -> don't bring main window to front automatically
# true -> bring chrlauncher window to front when download started (default)
# Set download in foreground mode (boolean):
# false -> start browser and check/download/install update in background
# true -> start browser only when check/download/install update complete (default)
# Use chrlauncher as updater, but does not start Chromium (boolean):
# false -> update & start Chromium (default)
# true -> download & install Chromium update without start
# Type of Chromium builds:
# dev-official
# Official development builds from snapshots repository
# "" (32/64 bit)
# stable-codecs-sync
# Unofficial stable builds with codecs
# "" (64 bit)
# "" (32 bit)
# dev-nosync
# Unofficial development builds without Google services
# "" (32/64 bit)
# dev-codecs-sync
# Unofficial development builds with codecs and without Google services
# "" (64 bit)
# dev-codecs-nosync
# Unofficial development builds with codecs and without Google services
# "" (64 bit)
# ungoogled-chromium
# Unofficial builds without Google integration and enhanced privacy (based on Eloston project)
# "" (32/64 bit)
# ""
# Check for new Chromium version once in X days (integer):
# 2 -> check updates once in a X days (default)
# 0 -> disable update checking
# -1 -> force update checking
# Last cached update checking timestamp (integer):
# Start browser when downloading and installing is over (boolean)
# A DLL hijack implements Chrome full portability as well as tab enhancements.
# Internal settings (SDK)
# Set custom useragent (string):
#UserAgent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
# Set proxy configuration (string):
- If you lost all setting and extensions when copy Chromium to another PC (answer)
- How to force check for an update every chrlauncher start?
- How to host the Chromium package zip on custom network?
- Can't sign-in to Chromium
- Set proxy configuration for a chrlauncher
- Pass on chrlauncher arguments into Chromium
- Disable annoying chrlauncher window popup
- Is it possible to downgrade Chromium version?
- Fix for duplicated taskbar icons creation
- Website:
- Support: [email protected]
(c) 2015-2024 Henry++