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Custom DDL

Nate Weisz edited this page Jan 21, 2016 · 1 revision

Registers a new custom DDL which is identified by name and a previously registered business object format. Each custom DDL has a unique name within the business object format. Custom DDL, registered for a specific business object format, will be used as a replacement for the create table statement in the relative DDL returned by Business Object Format Generate DDL and Business Object Data Generate DDL services, when requested so in the relative generate DDL request.

Custom DDL Tokens The following tokens can be used in the custom DDL contents. In the generated DDL, all occurences of the tokens will be replaced by the relative generate DDL request parameter values, except where noted below. Token Case Sensitive Generate DDL Request Parameter Status Description ${} Y tableName The table name to be used in the generated DDL. ${non-partitioned.table.location} Y N/A The location of the business object data for a non-partitioned table. Note: This token will not be replaced in Business Object Format Generate DDL Post.

S ample custom DDL for a non-partitioned business object data that uses tokens: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ${} ( mydate INT, avgsize DOUBLE, totalsize DOUBLE, minsize DOUBLE, maxsize DOUBLE, totalcount INT, belowavg INT) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ESCAPED BY '\' NULL DEFINED AS '\N' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '${non-partitioned.table.location}';

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