Out of Step is a clone detection tool for cross-language settings focused on modern programming languages (e.g., Dart, Kotlin, Swift) and new application domains (i.e., mobile apps).
The documentation about Out of Step, its features, and node description is available on the project's wiki pages
The web API of the project is at: pages
To generate the Parser, Lexer and Visitor classes please use ANTLR4,
conda create -n test python=3.8
pip install antlr4-python3-runtime
Download any grammar defined in ANTLR4 and run the following command,
java -cp antlr-4.9-complete.jar org.antlr.v4.Tool -Dlanguage=Python3 -visitor ../clone_detection/grammars/XXX/XXX.g4
python -m clone_detection --f examples/sort/bubble_sort.kt examples/sort/bubble_sort.dart