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Nicolas Cardozo edited this page Jan 31, 2023 · 2 revisions

This wiki contains the documentation about the Out of Step's features

eCST Nodes introduced in Out of Step

Universal Nodes

Node Name Description
File File node
Script Script node
Identifier Actual name for functions, classes and variables
Class_decl Class declaration
Constructor_decl Constructor declaration
Parameter_list List of parameters
Parameter Single parameter node
Constructor_call Create new object from constructor
Class_body Body of a class
Class_member Member of a class
Enum_decl Enumeration declaration
Enum_body Body of an enumeration
Function_decl Function declaration
Function_body Body of function
Function_call Function call
Attribute_decl Attribute declaration
Variable_decl Variable declaration
Getter Getter declaration
Setter Setter declaration
Type_alias Define a shorter name type that the user can create
Parameter_type Type of parameter
Type Data type
Nullable_type Nullable type
Function_type Function type
User_type Custom user type
Or Define two conjuctions separated by an or statement
And Define two conjuctions separated by an and statement
Ternary Ternary or elvis operation
As As expression used for casting
Prefix Define a prefix operation ++, --, +=, -=, etc
Posfix Define a posfix operation ++, --, +=, -=, etc
Collection_indexing Index a collection
Value_argument_list List of arguments used in a call
Value_argument Value of a single argument
Type_argument_list List of type arguments
Type_argument Value of a single argument
String String literal
Collection Define a collection
Super_call Call to super function
Condition Condition declaration
Body Body of a control structure
Try Try block structure
Catch Catch block structure
Finally Finally block structure
Loop_statement Loop statement definition
Jump_statement Jump statement definition
Equality_operator Equality operation
Comparison_operator Comparison operation
Member_of Determine if x is in a container
Is_type Determine the type of x
Additive_operator Additive or substraction operation
Multiplicative_operator Multiplication/division/modulus operation
Logical_operator Logical operation
Access_operator Acess operator
Visibility_modifier Define if the visibility of a member of a class
Const_decl Constant declaration
Inheritance_modifier Declare if the inheritance is abstract or final
Literal Defines the user's value or naming
Assignment_operator Assignment operation
Expression Group expressions of the language
Throw Throw exception expression
This Define a reference to the instance of the class
Await_expression Await expression
Assert Assert expression

Nodes' Mapping

Universal nodes' mapping between Dart and Kotlin

Node Name Similar nodes' list
Identifier Literal, Identifier
Class_decl Class_decl
Constructor_decl Constructor_decl
Parameter_list Parameter_list, Value_argument_list
Parameter Parameter
Constructor_call Constructor_call
Class_body Class_body
Class_member Class_member
Enum_decl Enum_decl
Enum_body Enum_body
Function_decl Function_decl
Function_body Function_body
Function_call Function_call
Attribute_decl Attribute_decl, Variable_decl
Variable_decl Variable_decl, Attribute_decl
Getter Getter
Setter Setter
Type_alias Type_alias
Parameter_type Parameter_type, Type
Type Type, Parameter_type, Nullable_type, Function_type, User_type
Nullable_type Nullable_type, Type
Function_type Function_type, Type
User_type User_type, Type
Or Or
And And
Ternary Ternary
As As
Prefix Prefix
Posfix Posfix
Collection_indexing Collection_indexing
Value_argument_list Parameter_list, Value_argument_list
Value_argument Value_argument
Type_argument_list Type_argument_list
Type_argument Type_argument
String String
Collection Collection
Super_call Super_call
Condition Condition
Body Body
Try Try
Catch Catch
Finally Finally
Loop_statement Loop_statement
Jump_statement Jump_statement
Equality_operator Equality_operator
Comparison_operator Comparison_operator
Member_of Member_of
Is_type Is_type
Additive_operator Additive_operator
Multiplicative_operator Multiplicative_operator
Logical_operator Logical_operator
Access_operator Access_operator
Visibility_modifier Visibility_modifier
Const_decl Const_decl
Inheritance_modifier Inheritance_modifier
Literal Literal
Assignment_operator Assignment_operator
Expression Expression
Throw Throw
This This
Await_expression Await_expression
Assert Assert
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