Post Install Script for Fedora / credits to osiris2600
Fedora-Setup is a personal script to help with post install tasks such as tweaks and software installs. Written in Bash and utilises Dialog for a friendlier menu system.
Dialog must be installed for the menu system to work and as such the script will check to see if Dialog is installed. If not, it will ask you to install it.
- Set the script to be executable
chmod -x
\ - Run the script
- flatpak-packages.txt - This file contains a list of all flat packages to install you can customise this with your choice of applications by application-id.
- dnf-packages.txt - This file contains a list of all applications that will be installed via the Fedora and RPMFusion repositories.
- Enables RPM Fusion repositories using the official method from the RPM Fusion website. - RPM Fusion
RPM Fusion provides software that the Fedora Project or Red Hat doesn't want to ship. That software is provided as precompiled RPMs for all current Fedora versions and current Red Hat Enterprise Linux or clones versions; you can use the RPM Fusion repositories with tools like yum and PackageKit.
- Updates firmware providing you have hardware that supports it.
- Enables fastest mirror
- Sets max parallel downloads to 10
Adds the flatpak repo, updates and installs the following packages (or what you have specified in flatpak-packages.txt)
- com.belmoussaoui.Obfuscate
- org.gnome.gitlab.YaLTeR.VideoTrimmer
- org.signal.Signal
- com.github.tchx84.Flatseal
- com.mattjakeman.ExtensionManager
- com.github.Eloston.UngoogledChromium
- com.github.qarmin.czkawka
- com.spotify.Client
- com.sublimetext.three
- dev.geopjr.Collision
- io.github.cboxdoerfer.FSearch
- nl.hjdskes.gcolor3
- org.gnome.World.PikaBackup
- org.inkscape.Inkscape
- org.gimp.GIMP
- exfat-utils
- ffmpeg
- file-roller-nautilus
- fuse-exfat
- gnome-tweaks
- gnome-extensions-app
- gtkhash-nautilus
- inkscape
- krita
- lm_sensors
- papirus-icon-theme
- vlc
- p7zip
- p7zip-plugins
- unzip
- unrar
- gparted
- gimp
- kdenlive
- deja-dup
- webp-pixbuf-loader
- la-capitaine-cursor-theme
- cmake
- gettext
- nemo
- nemo-preview
- nemo-fileroller
- nemo-emblems
- fish
- util-linux-user
- powerline-fonts
- Install Waydroid - A container-based approach to boot a full Android system
- Install Librewolf - A custom version of Firefox, focused on privacy, security and freedom
- iosevka-term-fonts - Iosevka Font
- jetbrains-mono-fonts-all - JetBrains Font
- terminus-fonts - Terminus Font
- terminus-fonts-console - Terminus Font
- google-noto-fonts-common - Google Noto Sans Font
- mscore-fonts-all
- fira-code-fonts - Google Fira Code Font
- better fonts by dawid - Dawid's COPR
- Sound and video group
- gstreamer plugins