An async-ready Python wrapper around FerrisChat's API.
$ python3.9 -m pip install -U ferriswheel
Python 3.9 can be replaced with your python version.
> py -3 -m pip install -U ferriswheel
If you want to install the development version, you can do so with:
$ python3.9 -m pip install -U git+
Python 3.9 can be replaced with your python version.
> py -3 -m pip install -U git+
If you want to install the packages for performance, you can do so by appending [performance] to the end of the installation command.
For example, if you want to install the speedups, you can do so with:
$ python3.9 -m pip install -U ferriswheel[performance]
Same for windows
> py -3 -m pip install -U ferriswheel[performance]
For contribution information, please see