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Add package extension for BlockArrays.jl.
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This patch adds support for global block matrices. A global block matrix
can be obtained by `create_sparsity_pattern(BlockMatrix, dh, ch)` or by
`create_sparsity_pattern(A::BlockMatrix, dh, ch)`. The former infers the
block sizes by looking at the fields of the DofHandler, and the latters
uses the blocksizes of the (partially) initilized BlockMatrix (i.e. by

For global assembly, `start_assemble(::BlockMatrix, ...)` returns a
`BlockAssembler` which pre allocates a vector for pre-computing the
(block number, local index) pairs for each DoF. BlockArrays only support
local condensation of constraints currently and you have to use
`apply_assemble!` instead of `assemble!` + `apply!`.
  • Loading branch information
fredrikekre committed Dec 19, 2022
1 parent eba00a4 commit 4dfccd9
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Showing 4 changed files with 239 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -13,9 +13,11 @@ Tensors = "48a634ad-e948-5137-8d70-aa71f2a747f4"
WriteVTK = "64499a7a-5c06-52f2-abe2-ccb03c286192"

BlockArrays = "8e7c35d0-a365-5155-bbbb-fb81a777f24e"
Metis = "2679e427-3c69-5b7f-982b-ece356f1e94b"

BlockArraysExt = "BlockArrays"
MetisExt = "Metis"

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149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions ext/BlockArraysExt.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
module BlockArraysExt

using BlockArrays: BlockArray, BlockIndex, BlockMatrix, BlockVector, block, blockaxes,
blockindex, blocks, findblockindex
using Ferrite
using Ferrite: addindex!, fillzero!

# TODO: Move into Ferrite
function global_dof_range(dh::DofHandler, f::Symbol)
set = Set{Int}()
frange = dof_range(dh, f)
for cc in CellIterator(dh)
union!(set, @view celldofs(cc)[frange])
dofmin, dofmax = extrema(set)
r = dofmin:dofmax
if length(set) != length(r)
error("renumber by blocks you donkey")
return r

## Creating the sparsity pattern ##

# Note:
# Creating the full unblocked matrix and then splitting into blocks inside the BlockArray
# constructor (i.e. by `getindex(::SparseMatrixCSC, ::UnitRange, ::UnitRange)`) is
# consistently faster than creating individual blocks directly. However, the latter approach
# uses less than half of the memory (measured for a 2x2 block system and various problem
# sizes), so might be useful in the future to provide an option on what algorithm to use.

# TODO: Could potentially extract the element type and matrix type for the individual blocks
# by allowing e.g. create_sparsity_pattern(BlockMatrix{Float32}, ...) but that is not
# even supported by regular pattern right now.
function Ferrite.create_sparsity_pattern(::Type{<:BlockMatrix}, dh, ch; kwargs...)
K = create_sparsity_pattern(dh, ch; kwargs...)
# Infer block sizes from the fields in the DofHandler
global_ranges = [global_dof_range(dh, f) for f in dh.field_names]
block_sizes = length.(global_ranges)
return BlockArray(K, block_sizes, block_sizes)

function Ferrite.create_sparsity_pattern(B::BlockMatrix, dh, ch; kwargs...)
if !(size(B, 1) == size(B, 2) == ndofs(dh))
error("size of input matrix ($(size(B))) does not match number of dofs ($(ndofs(dh)))")
K = create_sparsity_pattern(dh, ch; kwargs...)
ax = axes(B)
for block_j in blockaxes(B, 2), block_i in blockaxes(B, 1)
range_j = ax[2][block_j]
range_i = ax[1][block_i]
B[block_i, block_j] = K[range_i, range_j]
return B

## BlockAssembler and associated methods ##

struct BlockAssembler{BM, Bv} <: Ferrite.AbstractSparseAssembler

Ferrite.matrix_handle(ba::BlockAssembler) = ba.K
Ferrite.vector_handle(ba::BlockAssembler) = ba.f

function Ferrite.start_assemble(K::BlockMatrix, f; fillzero::Bool=true)
fillzero && (fillzero!(K); fillzero!(f))
return BlockAssembler(K, f, BlockIndex{1}[])

# Split into the block and the local index
splindex(idx::BlockIndex{1}) = (block(idx), blockindex(idx))

function Ferrite.assemble!(assembler::BlockAssembler, dofs::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, ke::AbstractMatrix, fe::AbstractVector)
K = assembler.K
f = assembler.f
blockindices = assembler.blockindices

@assert blockaxes(K, 1) == blockaxes(K, 2)
@assert axes(K, 1) == axes(K, 2) == axes(f, 1)
@boundscheck checkbounds(K, dofs, dofs)
@boundscheck checkbounds(f, dofs)

# Update the cached the block indices
resize!(blockindices, length(dofs))
@inbounds for (i, I) in pairs(dofs)
blockindices[i] = findblockindex(axes(K, 1), I)

# Assemble matrix entries
@inbounds for (j, blockindex_j) in pairs(blockindices)
Bj, lj = splindex(blockindex_j)
for (i, blockindex_i) in pairs(blockindices)
Bi, li = splindex(blockindex_i)
KB = @view K[Bi, Bj]
addindex!(KB, ke[i, j], li, lj)

# Assemble vector entries
if blockaxes(f) == blockaxes(K, 1)
# If f::BlockVector with the same axes the same blockindex cache can be used...
@inbounds for (i, blockindex_i) in pairs(blockindices)
Bi, li = splindex(blockindex_i)
fB = @view f[Bi]
fB[li] += fe[i]
# ... otherwise, use regular indexing in fallback assemble!
@inbounds assemble!(f, dofs, fe)

function Ferrite.apply!(::BlockMatrix, ::AbstractVector, ::ConstraintHandler)
"Condensation of constraints with `apply!` after assembling not supported yet " *
"for BlockMatrix, use local condensation with `apply_assemble!` instead."

## Overloaded assembly pieces from src/arrayutils.jl ##

function Ferrite.addindex!(B::BlockMatrix{Tv}, v::Tv, i::Int, j::Int) where Tv
@boundscheck checkbounds(B, i, j)
Bi, li = splindex(findblockindex(axes(B, 1), i))
Bj, lj = splindex(findblockindex(axes(B, 2), j))
BB = @view B[Bi, Bj]
@inbounds addindex!(BB, v, li, lj)
return B

function Ferrite.fillzero!(B::Union{BlockVector,BlockMatrix})
for blk in blocks(B)
return B

end # module BlockArraysExt
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions test/blockarrays.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
using Ferrite, BlockArrays, Test

@testset "BlockArrays.jl extension" begin
grid = generate_grid(Triangle, (10, 10))

dh = DofHandler(grid)
push!(dh, :u, 2)
push!(dh, :p, 1)
renumber!(dh, DofOrder.FieldWise())
nd = ndofs(dh) ÷ 3

ch = ConstraintHandler(dh)
periodic_faces = collect_periodic_faces(grid, "top", "bottom")
add!(ch, PeriodicDirichlet(:u, periodic_faces))
add!(ch, Dirichlet(:u, union(getfaceset(grid, "left"), getfaceset(grid, "top")), (x, t) -> [0, 0]))
add!(ch, Dirichlet(:p, getfaceset(grid, "left"), (x, t) -> 0))
update!(ch, 0)

K = create_sparsity_pattern(dh, ch)
f = zeros(axes(K, 1))
KB = create_sparsity_pattern(BlockMatrix, dh, ch)
@test KB isa BlockMatrix
@test blocksize(KB) == (2, 2)
@test size(KB[Block(1), Block(1)]) == (2nd, 2nd)
@test size(KB[Block(2), Block(1)]) == (1nd, 2nd)
@test size(KB[Block(1), Block(2)]) == (2nd, 1nd)
@test size(KB[Block(2), Block(2)]) == (1nd, 1nd)
fB = similar(KB, axes(KB, 1))

# Test the pattern
fill!(K.nzval, 1)
foreach(x -> fill!(x.nzval, 1), blocks(KB))
@test K == KB

# Zeroing out in start_assemble
assembler = start_assemble(K, f)
@test iszero(K)
@test iszero(f)
block_assembler = start_assemble(KB, fB)
@test iszero(KB)
@test iszero(fB)

# Assembly procedure
npc = ndofs_per_cell(dh)
for cc in CellIterator(dh)
ke = rand(npc, npc)
fe = rand(npc)
dofs = celldofs(cc)
# Standard assemble
assemble!(assembler, dofs, ke, fe)
assemble!(block_assembler, dofs, ke, fe)
# Assemble with local condensation of constraints
let ke = copy(ke), fe = copy(fe)
apply_assemble!(assembler, ch, dofs, ke, fe)
let ke = copy(ke), fe = copy(fe)
apply_assemble!(block_assembler, ch, dofs, ke, fe)
@test K KB
@test f fB

# Global application of BC not supported yet
@test_throws ErrorException apply!(KB, fB, ch)

# Custom blocking by passing a partially initialized matrix
perm = invperm([ch.free_dofs; ch.prescribed_dofs])
renumber!(dh, ch, perm)
nfree = length(ch.free_dofs)
npres = length(ch.prescribed_dofs)
K = create_sparsity_pattern(dh, ch)
block_sizes = [nfree, npres]
KBtmp = BlockArray(undef_blocks, SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int}, block_sizes, block_sizes)
KB = create_sparsity_pattern(KBtmp, dh, ch)
@test KBtmp === KB
@test blocksize(KB) == (2, 2)
@test size(KB[Block(1), Block(1)]) == (nfree, nfree)
@test size(KB[Block(2), Block(1)]) == (npres, nfree)
@test size(KB[Block(1), Block(2)]) == (nfree, npres)
@test size(KB[Block(2), Block(2)]) == (npres, npres)
# Test the pattern
fill!(K.nzval, 1)
foreach(x -> fill!(x.nzval, 1), blocks(KB))
@test K == KB
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,5 +28,6 @@ include("test_pointevaluation.jl")
# include("test_notebooks.jl")
HAS_EXTENSIONS && include("blockarrays.jl")
@test all(x -> isdefined(Ferrite, x), names(Ferrite)) # Test that all exported symbols are defined

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