Example project for a shader implementing a time travel effect
DISCLAIMER: This is just a quick and dirty prototype for proof of concept ;)
Find more interessting stuff on my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZp_or3u7ptTTIVkFEnWRsQ/featured
What you need:
- tow objects (one new and one old)
- for each object you need a regular mesh and a sligthly down scaled version with inverted faces for illusion of volum
How it works:
- Use Class "transitionObject" to create two objects (old version and new version of your model)
- Add two mesh in each object (Oter mesh and inner mesh)
- add "timetravelshader" to the material_overrid of the outer mesh
- (flag the "blendIn" option for the old object)
- add "InnerParts" shader to the material_overrid of the inner mesh
- (flag the "blendIn" option for the old object)
- select in inspector what mesh should be used for outer and which for inner
- Use Class TimeTravelTransitionObject" and link in both created TransitionObjects (old and new)
- Select in inspector what is the old and what is the new version
- Insert newly created TimeTravelTransitionObject into any scenen and create a area with an sphere collision shape
- select the TimeTravelTransition object and assign the area as controll in inspector
- make sure to set run in edito if you want changes to be visible in edito (maybe needs to reload the scene)
- you can move the area or scale the collision shape and the new object should disappear and the old one will appear