A non-blocking monitoring service concurrently notifies file system changes by periodically scanning the file system.
Developed initially for the use case when the target paths to be monitored are shared/mounted volumes where all file operations happen remotely.
Name() string
- considered to be uid
Type() Event
Time() time.Time
- timestamp when created
Watch() (chan<- chan<- Notice, <-chan error)
- returns internal controlling channels between Monitor and Watcher, doing the watching on given resource
New(address string, pattern []string, watcher interface{}) *Monitor
- creates specified Watcher and include it in returned Monitor instance
- wathcer can be any type implements Watcher interface, or a name string refers to one of the builtin Watchers:
scans input directory using filepath.Walk"file"
scans a virtual file system defined by a specifically formatted text file
Start(sleep, event... Event)
- starts Watch() goroutine and loops until internal channels closes
Notices() <-chan Notice
- channel of all notices, closes when calling Close()
- safely closes all internal channels and gracefully terminates all goroutines
a simple kafka client built atop can be found in example folder
- More events support
- Integrate with system kernel API based notification library to achieve best performance in local file monitoring use case