A Event system which holds all the event handlers in one place.
#include <GenericEventSystem.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
using namespace cof;
void TestFuncTest(int i, double d)
std::cout << "Test Function! " << i << " " << d << '\n';
struct StructWithNum
uint32_t m_num;
struct StructWithNumHandler
void PrintCallback(StructWithNum swn, float f)
std::cout << swn.m_num << " and: " << f << "\n";
static void FreePrintCallback(StructWithNum swn, float f)
std::cout << "Free function callback: " << swn.m_num << " and: " << f << "\n";
int main()
using TestEvent = EventDef<StructWithNum, float>;
using FailingEvent = EventDef<float, float, bool>;
using IntDoubleEvent = EventDef<int, double>;
GenericEventSystem eventSystem{};
StructWithNumHandler swnHandler{};
auto memFuncHandle = eventSystem.RegisterMemberFunction<TestEvent>(&swnHandler, &StructWithNumHandler::PrintCallback);
auto freeFuncHandle = eventSystem.Register<TestEvent>(&StructWithNumHandler::FreePrintCallback);
//eventSystem.Register<FailingEvent>(&StructWithNumHandler::FreePrintCallback); //<-- This line will static_assert because the handler does not have the correct function signature
eventSystem.FireEvent<TestEvent>(StructWithNum{ 65 }, 100.50f);
// func handles will automatically unregister themselves. thus making the next event not handled by any callback:
eventSystem.FireEvent<TestEvent>(StructWithNum{ 45 }, 80.27f);
// callbacks can also be manually unregistered by calling `Unregister` like this:
auto funcHandle2 = eventSystem.Register<IntDoubleEvent>(&TestFuncTest);
eventSystem.FireEvent<IntDoubleEvent>(20, 20.1);
std::cout << "All tests ran!\n";
This project was designed with ease of use and least complexity in mind. The meta template code is kept to a minumum and value semantics are used in favor of compile time recursion to aid in maintainability.
Build the project using visual studio, lead your additional includes to the include/
directory and link against the build lib file.