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This library provides UI classes used in Flowing Code Add-ons demos.


Tabbed Demo

The central component is the TabbedDemo layout, where a SplitLayout showcases add-on examples and, optionally, their corresponding source code. The layout accommodates the inclusion of multiple demonstrations in tab form, which allows users to easily switch between different examples for a comprehensive exploration of the add-on features. TabbedDemo also has options for choosing between light and dark themes (enabling evaluation of styles in both scenarios), hiding the source code, and switching the orientation of the split layout (by default, it automatically adjusts to vertical or horizontal based on the screen ratio).

public class Demo extends TabbedDemo {
  public Demo() {
    addDemo(SampleDemo.class, "Demo");

The @GithubLink and @GithubBranch annotations allow defaulting the demo sources to a given branch in a public GitHub repository. The @GithubLink annotation must be configured with the HTTPS URL to the repository. Private repositories require an access token and are not supported by CommonsDemo.

Different examples can be presented in routed demo views sharing a TabbedDemo layout. Since each example has its own route, users can easily reference and access them by using a URL in their web browser. This allows users to directly view the specific example they are interested in exploring.

@Route(value = "demo/demo-with-source", layout = Demo.class)
@PageTitle("Demo with source")
public class SampleDemoDefault extends Div {
  public SampleDemoDefault() {
    add(new Span("Demo component with defaulted @DemoSource annotation"));    

The demo view can be annotated with @DemoSource, in order to configure the URL for retrieving the source code. An optional value allows providing a link to the source code, in cases where it differs from the annotated class. When this annotation is used without a value, and the tabbed demo is annotated with @GithubLink, the source URL is automatically set to the location of the annotated class under src/test/java in the specified GitHub repository. The branch information is derived from the value specified in @GithubBranch within the tabbed demo or its containing package. If the source URL is defaulted and no @GithubBranch annotation is present either in the tabbed demo or its containing package, then the branch defaults to master. The @DemoSource annotation is repeatable (see multiple sources).

The @DemoHelper annotation can be used to link demo views with associated help content provided by DemoHelperRenderer. The handling of how this help content is presented is managed by DemoHelperViewer, which is configured on the TabbedDemo. By default, help content will be rendered in a Dialog.


Code Viewer

The code viewer component (SourceCodeViewer) is responsible of rendering a Java source file along the demo.

The rendering process consists of the following steps:

  1. Source code retrieval
  2. License abbreviation
  3. Cleanup (conditional code, boilerplate removal and addition of synthetic sources)
  4. Formatting (provided by prism.js)
  5. Post-processing (fragment highlighting)

Source code retrieval

The specified URL (refer to the explanation of @DemoSource above) will be used to fetch sources. URLs pointing to will be rewritten into URLs. In development mode, sources will be retrieved from the local src directory (if available).

License abbreviation

A license comment block at the beginning of the file will be replaced with a short two-lines comment (author, year and link to the license terms), provided that:

  • The license comment is be placed before the package declaration.
  • The license comment is formatted by license-maven-plugin with default delimiters.
  • The license is a well-known license supported by CommonsDemo.

The following well-known licenses are currently supported by CommonsDemo:

This feature cannot be disabled.


If the source starts with:

 * #%L
 * Example
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2019 - 2023 Flowing Code
 * %%
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * #L%

It will be rendered as:

//Copyright (C) 2019 - 2023 Flowing Code
//Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

Boilerplate removal

Commonly used boilerplate code from source snippets is automatically hidden:

  • The package declaration
  • All lines with a // hide-source comment
  • The following annotations and their imports:
    • @com.vaadin.flow.router.Route
    • @com.vaadin.flow.router.PageTitle
    • @com.flowingcode.vaadin.addons.demo.DemoSource
    • @java.lang.SupressWarning
    • @org.junit.Ignore
  • Calls to SourceCodeViewer.highlight, SourceCodeViewer.highlightOnHover and SourceCodeViewer.highlightOnClick

This feature cannot be disabled.


Synthetic source

This feature allows comments to be formatted as if they were code. When used together with the // hide-source feature, it can improve the clarity of the example, particularly in scenarios where techniques like reflection are employed in order to circumvent binary compatibility issues.

For instance, if the demo source is:

// show-source;
Method m = Foo.class.getMethod("bar"); // hide-source
m.invoke(foo); // hide-source

It will be rendered as:;

Conditional code

This feature allows controlling the code block rendering, depending on the version of the framework being used.

For instance, the following source would be rendered as foo(); in Vaadin 23+, bar() in Vaadin 22 and baz() in other versions of the framework:

// #if vaadin ge 23
// show-source foo();
// #elif vaadin eq 22
// show-source bar();
// #else
// show-source baz();
// #endif

Directives: #if, #elif (else-if), #else, #endif. Nested conditionals are supported.

Syntax: #if variable operator value

  • Supported variables are "vaadin" and "flow". (Note that Vaadin 14 uses Flow 1.x.x)
  • Supported operators are lt, le, ne, eq, gt, ge.
  • Value is a one-digit (x), two-digit (x.y) or three-digit (x.y.z) version number

Strictly, the constructor of SourceCodeViewer receives a map with arbitrary variables defined by the caller, and TabbedDemo defines "vaadin" and "flow" variables. Implementation details in PR #44.

Fragment highlighting

This feature supports highlighting a source code fragment in order to emphasize a section of the code snippet. The highlighted fragment is automatically scrolled into view.

A fragment is highlighted either by calling SourceCodeViewer.highlight(filenameAndId) or when clicking/hovering a component that has been configured with SourceCodeViewer.highlightOnClick or SourceCodeViewer.highlightOnHover, where filenameAndId is the name of the fragment. If the component is in an additional source file, filenameAndId can be given as a string in the format filename#id. If no '#' is present, it is assumed that the identifier corresponds to a block in the first source panel. SourceCodeViewer.highlight(null) turns off the highlighting.

In the source code, a fragment is delimited by // begin-block filenameAndId and // end-block comments. Nested fragments are not supported. The // begin-block and // end-block comments are removed after post-processing.

    // begin-block first
    Div first = new Div(new Text("Highlight block in first panel"));
    SourceCodeViewer.highlightOnHover(first, "first");
    // end-block
    Div other = new Div(new Text("Highlight additional source"));
    SourceCodeViewer.highlightOnHover(other, "");


Multiple sources

If several @DemoSource annotations are present, the layout will include a tab sheet for navigating among them. When the demo is rendered, the first @DemoSource will be displayed. The annotation allows customizing the caption of the source tab (which defaults to the file name) and the the language used to format the sources (which is otherwise inferred from the file extension).
