Realistic duel plugin compatible from version 1.8 to the latest version of Minecraft. Fully configurable to suit any need. Kit selection is done via an intuitive GUI that allows the creation of custom kits.
This plugin requires MultiVerse-Core 2 as a dependency. You can download MultiVerse-Core qui.
For questions or assistance, visit my site. 💫
- betterduels.admin: Allows the player to reload the BetterDuels configuration.
- betterduels.start: Permission to start a duel.
- betterduels.kit: Permission for accessing kits.
- betterduels.accept: Permission to accept a duel.
- betterduels.deny: Permission to deny a duel.
- /duel: Sends a duel request to a player.
- /duelaccept: Accepts a duel request.
- /dueldeny: Denies a duel request.
- /btreload: Reloads the BetterDuels configuration.
To create a leaderboard, you can use papi's placeholders highlighted in the config.yml