Integrate Tasmota actuators into Raspberrymatic / CCU via MQTT
USAGE -c <CUX2801xxx:x> -t <TOPIC> [-o <value>] [-r <ccuname>] [-s <sensor>] [-n <number>] [-d] --channel <CUX2801xxx:x> --topic <TOPIC> [--value <value>] [--realname <ccuname>] [--sensor <sensor>] [--relaynumber <number>] [--debug]
-c | --channel CUxD channel name
-t | --topic Tasmota device topic name
-o | --value Power cmnd [0 - off, 1 - on, 2 - toggle]
-r | --realname Actual name for the variable definition.
-s | --sensor Query of sensor data,
you can pass a list of sensors separated by commas.
(ENERGY, DS18B20, AM2301, BMP280, BME280, TSL2561 and BH1750)
-n | --relaynumber For devices with mor than one relay you can give the relay number.
-d | --debug Debug information and names for CCU systemvariables
Raspberrymatic and mosquitto addon
EXAMPLE -c CUX2801006:1 -t tasmota-device -o 1
This command switches on the relay of the tasmota-device. -c CUX2801006:1 -t tasmota-device -o 0
This command switches off the relay of the tasmota-device. -c CUX2801006:14 -t display1 -r display1 -s BME280,BH1750
This command reads the status of the device with the topic display1 and the sensors BME280 and BH1750.
Since the real name was changed to display1, the following variables are set in the CCU.
display1-status, display1-ipaddr, display1-RSSI, display1-temperature, display1-pressure,
display1-seapressure, display1-humidity, display1-illuminance