Interactive CLI tool which integrates the BOMIST inventory/BOM management tool with InteractiveHtmlBom
The primary purpose is to inject storage (inventory) location for each part to the table displayed in the InteractiveHtmlBom page to facilitate kitting for a build. The tool also replaces part data like Manufacturer Part Number, Value, Package, etc. with the values from BOMIST, which tend to be more carefully curated than the defaults in Eagle/Fusion 360 built-in or third-party libraries.
A virtual environment is recommended.
From within the working directory, just run pip install -r requirements.txt
First, create a JSON representation of your Eagle/Fusion 360 Electronics board using brd2json.ulp
In BOMIST, you should have created a BOM for your board, a Build of that BOM and reserved inventory (which assigns a 'Source' inventory location), or marked DNP, for each part. Then, with the Builds tab selected, right-click in the BOM table and select "Export": Then configure it to export in JSON format without IDs:
To process the board and BOM information, just run this script ( and work through the interactive menus. Enter the command help
for... help.
The script will auto-detect any JSON board files in the directories used by Fusion 360 and display them in a list.
The command board 1
will select the first auto-detected board file, for example. If you enter board
with no argument, it will open a file browse dialog for you to pick a board JSON file.
The command build
will open a file browse dialog for you to pick your build file (JSON exported from BOMIST)
Once you've selected files for the Board and the Build, enter run
to process them and generate the Interactive BOM.
- More error checking (in case BOM doesn't match the board)