scripts used
stock analizing
getting historical data about stocks
now scraping of 1 stock takes approximately 20 seconds (30 finished in ~10m) have a few modes for this script,
if something crashes, then it's your responsibility to notice that and change which prefix of urls are completed (more information is in code's comments)
python3 1
if you will use this script, then most likely you have to run
time python3
instead of the first one, because the second actually manages this automated process (you don't have to worry about anything)
python3 2 < FILE_WITH_URLS
this does the same what Manual mode, but scraps only specific urls
urls in FILE_WITH_URLS have to be separated with '\n'
how do I get those urls?
either copy them, or use /info_files/ to take url of XYZ stock
note that running will automaticly generate a list of urls which you have to fix
now it's only checking whether file is too short (less than 100 days)
moreover, as mentioned before, it generates a list of urls which you have to fix ( in Given URLS mode)