new Hangar module
- you can store vessels and the crew is recovered automatically
- you can assign crew to stored vessels and launch them from the KSC menu.
- statics should be less bumpy after a scene switch
- SpaceCenters are no longer focused when they are not on the Homeword. This feature will come back when it is properbly implemented
- The KSC FuelTank is now visible again.
- The LaunchSites are now sorted: 1. Group 2. Name
Changes for modders
support for custom launchpad smoke emitters (either Unity ParticleSystem or KSPParticleEmitter)
GrasColor: Normal Maps are precalculated and cached unter PluginData
GrassColor2: Multicolor Blendmasks allow blending of up to four textures (including alpha channel and mix) ( for example: grass + concrete + (worn) white stripes + dirt roads)
This is like a light version of substance painter. -
The GrassColor2 editor supports these changes
GrassColor2 : Normal Maps for each Texture are precalculated and cached unter PluginData. Only NearGrass receives those from the FarGrass (which looks better that way)
GrassEditor: You can convert any texture to grayscale, so some are more usefull now.
AnimateOnSunrise: Rewrote it to be less error prone.
AdvancedTextures: you can define the color of a mesh with the _Color parameter
Variant switching: allow transform names with whitespace in the middle
PadSmoke: allow transform names with whitespace in the middle
AdvancedTextures: allow transform names with whitespace in the middle
PadSmoke: You can select your smoke type
exports are now written as ,zip files and no longer as .tar