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Refactor my CV
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GSokol committed Nov 5, 2023
1 parent 6535f1c commit 6ff1c82
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Showing 5 changed files with 135 additions and 97 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .github/workflows/deploy_gh_pages.yml
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ jobs:
docker run --rm \
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v ${PWD}:/data \
drpsychick/texlive-pdflatex pdflatex /data/cv.tex
drpsychick/texlive-pdflatex \
pdflatex --shell-escape /data/cv.tex
- name: Build Github Pages dir
run: mv cv.pdf _site/ && chmod 644 _site/cv.pdf
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13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion cv.cls
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\definecolor{titlecolor}{RGB}{0, 70, 146}
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\titlespacing\subsection{0pt}{4pt plus 3pt minus 3pt}{4pt plus 3pt minus 3pt}
\titlespacing\subsubsection{0pt}{0pt plus 2pt minus 2pt}{0pt plus 2pt minus 2pt}

{\begin {list}{\textbullet}{\itemsep=0mm}}
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\newcommand{\workplace}[4]{\subsection* {#1 -- #2: \textbf{#3} (#4)}}
\subsection* {#2 -- #3: \textbf{#4} (#5)}
\subsubsection* {#1}

\subsubsection* {Thechnology \& infrostructure stack}
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\subsubsection* {Development \& management tools \& services}

% {\setlength{\parindent}{default}}
215 changes: 120 additions & 95 deletions cv.tex
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\begin {document}

\hspace{\stretch{100}}\textbf{\href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}}
\hspace{\stretch{100}}\textbf{\href{tel:+358406260274}{+358 40 626 0274}}

\section* {About}
I am a backend developer with more than 10 years of experience. My sphere of
interest is Go, Python, microservices and Data Engineering. I also want to try
\textbf{C++} commercial development. \textbf{I have accepted pull requests in
PHP source and big opensource projects (like codeception, etcd etc.) and some
contributions to Linux coreutils.} Also I have a bit of experience of
managing up to 5 members remote development team.
I am a backend developer with more than 10 years of experience. I have a
greate experience with the number of programming languages, including Go,
Python, PHP and TypeScript, deep understanding of specifics of PostgreSQL,
MySQL, Redis, MongoDB and ClickHouse database, and familiarity with modern
infrostucture tools like Docker (Docker-Compose), Kubernetes (with Helm, Krane
templates), Ansible, Chef and Puppet confiuration management systems. Also I
tried on my own skin microservice design patterns as Sagas, Event Sourcing,
CQRS, etc. From time to time I make contributions in huge opensource projects
and have accepted PRs in
\href{\%3Apr+is\%3Aclosed+author\%3AGSokol}{\underline{PHP source}},
\href{}{\underline{Linux Coreutils}},
\href{\%3Apr+is\%3Aclosed+author\%3AGSokol}{\underline{etcd storage}},
\href{\%3Apr+is\%3Aclosed+author\%3AGSokol}{\underline{Codeception PHP test framework}},
and some smaller ones. Also I have data enineering and team management
experience. The last one was in cases when I started the project from scratch
and it grew to big enough to require involving more engineers.

\section* {Experience}
\workplace{October 2022}{Present}{}{Data Engineer}
\workplace[Helsinki]{October 2022}{Present}{}{Data Engineer}
\item Adopted kafka-connect to the company, with allowed to reduce
backend services integration process form more than month to 2 days.
\item Adopted Strimzi kafka operator to provide zero-cost
Kafka-as-a-Service for development environmnt.
\item Developed and maintain opensource DBT macros for staging Debezium
Kafka-Connect sources \\
\item Adopted \textbf{Strimzi} kafka operator to provide zero-cost
Kafka-as-a-Service for development environment.
\item Developed and implemented TypeScript code generator to enforce
analytical events structure and integrate with Segment tracking plan.
\item eveloped Java UDTF-s to upload huge blobs to Snowflake.
Python, TypeScript, SQL, DBT, Kubernetis, Kafka, Kafka-connect, Debezium,
Python, TypeScript, Java, SQL, DBT, Kubernetes, Kafka, Kafka-connect, Debezium,
Ansible, Aiflow
Git, Github, Github Actions, Atlassian products, NeoVim, JFrog products

\workplace{September 2019}{September 2022}{}{Software Engineer}
\workplace[Helsinki]{September 2019}{September 2022}{}{Software Engineer}
Maintained an integration with Facebook Marketing API. Developed
PHP, TypeScript, JavaScript, React, Angular, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible,
Redis, RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
Expand All @@ -58,14 +84,17 @@
Jenkins, PyPi, Git, Vim, Atlassian products, JetBrains products

\workplace{October 2017}{January 2019}{AVITO}{Senior developer}
Avito is the most popular classifieds site in Russia and is the biggest
classifieds site in the world.
\item create fast, scalable and flexible analytic tool for professional
users (very similar to google analytics)
\item increase stability of several applications
\item begin to lead team (solve internal problems, watch out for
motivation etc...)
\item Created fast, scalable and flexible analytic tool for professional
users (some similar to google analytics).
\item Increased stability of several services.
\item Began to lead team (solve internal problems, watch out for
motivation etc...).
Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, PostgreSQL, Vertica, ClickHouse, MongoDB,
Expand All @@ -74,14 +103,13 @@
Composer, Git, Vim, Atlassian products, JetBrains products

\workplace{May 2016}{October 2017}{Ronte Limited}{Team lead}
\workplace[Berlin]{May 2016}{October 2017}{Ronte Limited}{Team lead}
Build from scratch security first corporate chat (with file sharing,
tasks, calendar etc). Then managed a team of two engineers and a dev ops.
\item create project's core architecture (secure chat + p2p calls)
\item manage tasks for my programmers
\item review code
\item manage continuous integration tools
\item deploy
\item Create project's core architecture (secure chat + p2p calls)
\item Implemented CI/CD pipelines an created tools for it.
\item Managed development team.
Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, MongoDB, ZeroMQ, Reddis, Golang, PHP7,
Expand All @@ -93,12 +121,12 @@
\workplace{August 2015}{May 2016}{Delivery club LLC}{Senior developer,
mobile API expert}
\item refactor ugly cms-like code, implement basic MVC patterns
\item develop and integrate new oauth-like security policies
\item provide unit-test coverage
\item provide guaranties of backward compatibility to previous API
\item solve daily problems
\item Refactored CMS-like code, implement basic MVC patterns.
\item Developed and implemented new oauth-like security policies and
TLS encryption.
\item Implemented unit-test coverage.
\item Provided guaranties of backward compatibility to previous API
IBM WebSphere, CentOS Linux, MySQL, RabbitMQ, Elastic search, Memcached,
Expand All @@ -110,9 +138,8 @@

\workplace{Aplil 2015}{August 2015}{Badoo LTD}{Senior developer, billing}
\item Migrate some payment system integration's from oldstyle PHP4 code
to modern ones
\item Solving daily problems
\item Migrated some payment system integration's from oldstyle PHP4 code
to the modern one.
\ldots (NDA-protected Virtualization level), Suse Linux, Mysql,
Expand All @@ -129,10 +156,10 @@
\item Development management of closed indoor ERP system for binary
options and bets companies.
\item Management group up to 5 developers
\item Dealing with designers
\item Participation in negotiations with clients to introduce products
and discuss technical issues
\item Management group up to 5 developers.
\item Participation in negotiations with clients and designers to
introduce products and discuss technical issues, requirements and
Linux, Mysql, Redis, Memcached, Python (with NumPy/SciPy \& Pandas),
Expand All @@ -145,10 +172,10 @@

\workplace{May 2013}{June 2013}{Bradbury Lab LTD}{Developer}
Development of server-side video stream management application
Development of server-side video stream management application.
\textbf{Linux}, \textbf{MongoDB}, \textbf{Memcached}, \textbf{Python},
Akashi (Django-based frameworke), \textbf{UWSGI}, \textbf{Nginx}
Akashi (Django-based framework), \textbf{UWSGI}, \textbf{Nginx}
Issue tracker (I don't remember was is Jira or Redmine, but deffinitely
Expand All @@ -160,8 +187,8 @@
Developing backend web applications:
\item \textbf{\url{}}
\item \textbf{\url{}}
\item \textbf{\url{}}
\item \textbf{\url{}}
Debian Linux, PostgreSQL, Memcached, Python, Django, Gevent, Flask,
Expand All @@ -173,15 +200,14 @@

\workplace{March 2012}{July 2012}{101XP}{Social game porting engineer}
\subsubsection* {Role}
I used to localize apps, that has been bought from foreign developers and
I localized apps, that has been bought from foreign developers and
integrate it with social networks.
\item \textbf{Zombie Lane} -- porting social game from Facebook
(\url{}) to Hyves (\url{})
\item \textbf{Wasteland Empires} -- portingsocial game from Facebook
(\url{}) to Vkontakte
(\url{}) and Odnoklassinki
\item \textbf{Zombie Lane} -- porting social game from Facebook to
Hyves (\url{})
\item \textbf{Wasteland Empires} -- portingsocial game from Facebook to
Vk (\url{}) and Odnoklassinki
Debian Linux, Mysql, Memcached, Java, Tomcat, CoachDB, Redis, Python,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,15 +269,6 @@


\section* {Management Basics}
\begin {list}{\textbullet}{\itemsep=0mm}
\item Jira
\item Redmine

\section* {Programming abilities}
Expand All @@ -266,77 +283,85 @@
\item Gevent
\item SciPy/NumPy/scikit-learn
\item Pandas
\item unittest/unittest2
\item unittest
\item \textbf{GO Lang}
\item \textbf{ShellScript/Bash}
\item \textbf{Memcached}
\item \textbf{Redis}
\item \textbf{PHP 4/5.x/7.x}
\item \textbf{PHP}
\begin {list}{$\circ$}{}
\item Silex
\item Symfony 2/3/4/5
\item Yii
\item CakePHP
\item Symfony
\item Composer
\item XDebug
\item PHPUnit
\item \textbf{TypeScript}
\begin {list}{$\circ$}{}
\item Express
\item Koajs
\item Nextjs
\item React (+ Redux)
\item Jest
\item Karma
\item \textbf{Go Lang}
\item \textbf{ShellScript/Bash}
\item \textbf{Queues}
\begin {list}{$\circ$}{}
\item ZeroMQ
\item RabbitMQ
\item Kafka
\item \textbf{SQL DBMS}
\begin {list}{$\circ$}{}
\item MySQL
\item PostgreSQL
\item SQLite
\item H2
\item \textbf{Configuration management}
\begin {list}{$\circ$}{}
\item Ansible
\item Puppet
\item Chef
\item Terraform
\item \textbf{NOSQL}
\begin {list}{$\circ$}{}
\item MongoDB
\item Cassandra
\item CoachDB
\item Reddis
\item Elastic
\item Redis
\item Memcached
\item Elastic Search
\item Sphinx
\item Vertica
\item ClickHouse
\item Snowflake
\item \textbf{CI/CD}
\begin {list}{$\circ$}{}
\item Jenkins
\item Github Actions
\item Gitlab CI
\item Helm
\item TeamCity
\item Salt

\section* {Other abilities}
\begin {list}{\textbullet}{\itemsep=0mm}
\item ability to use \textbf{git}, \textbf{mercurial} or \textbf{subversion}
version control systems
\item strong experience of usage \textbf{Docker}, \textbf{Docker Compose},
\textbf{k8s} and \textbf{Helm}
\item experience of usage \textbf{TeamCity}, \textbf{Jenkins},
\textbf{Travis} and \textbf{Github Actions} CI
\item ability to impose in \textbf{LaTeX}
\item fluent english
\item several skills in \textbf{Java} (\textbf{Maven}, \textbf{Spring 4},
\textbf{GWT/Ext GWT}, \textbf{JUnit})
\item several skills in \textbf{Android} development
\item several skills in \textbf{Javascript} (\textbf{JQuery},
\textbf{Lodash}, \textbf{React}, \textbf{Redux}, \textbf{Backbone},
\textbf{Bootstrap}, \textbf{ExtJs})
\item several skills in \textbf{C/C++} (\textbf{CMake}, \textbf{gtest},
\textbf{boost/test}, \textbf{boost/asio}) development and \textbf{linux}
\item Ability to use \textbf{git}, \textbf{mercurial} or \textbf{subversion}
version control systems.
\item Ability to impose in \textbf{LaTeX}.
\item Fluent English, beginner Finnish.
\item Several skills in \textbf{Java} (\textbf{Maven}, \textbf{Spring},
\textbf{GWT/Ext GWT}, \textbf{JUnit}).
\item Several skills in \textbf{Android} development.
\item Several skills in \textbf{C/C++} (\textbf{CMake}, \textbf{gtest},
\textbf{boost/test}, \textbf{boost/asio}) development.
\end {list}

\section* {Contact information}
\textbf{Email}\hspace{\stretch{100}}\textbf{\href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}}\newline
\textbf{Phone}\hspace{\stretch{100}}\textbf{\href{tel:+358406260274}{+358 40 626 0274}}\newline
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