A quick note:
This is a fork of the project PokemonGo-Bot by PokemonGoF.
The goal of this fork is to progress the bot in an organized manner, and to promote a clean and functional codebase. As a result, OpenPoGoBot will be more reliable and secure than PokemonGo-Bot.
- Spin Pokestops
- Catch Pokemon
- Release low cp pokemon
- Walk to a location
- Catch nearby pokemon when you have pokeballs available
- Switch between catching pokemon and farming pokestops automatically
- Filter certain pokemon
- Use superior ball types when necessary
- When out of normal pokeballs, use the next type of ball unless there are less than 10 of that type, in which case start automatically farming pokestops
- Bot Navigation via Google Directions API
- Python 2.7.x
- pip
- git
- virtualenv (Optional)
- protobuf 3 (OS Dependent, see below)
- OS X:
brew update && brew install --devel protobuf
- Windows: Download protobuf 3.0: here and unzip
into a folder in your PATH. - Linux:
apt-get install python-protobuf
git clone --recursive https://www.github.com/OpenPoGo/OpenPoGoBot
cd OpenPoGoBot
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: pokecli.py [-h] -a AUTH_SERVICE -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -l LOCATION [-lc] [-c] [-m] [-w] [--distance_unit] [--initial-transfer] [--maxsteps] [-cp] [-iv] [-d] [-t]
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-j, --config-json Load a config JSON file. Any arguments specified on command line override those specified in the file.
-a AUTH_SERVICE, --auth-service AUTH_SERVICE Auth Service ('ptc' or 'google')
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME Username
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD Password
-l LOCATION, --location LOCATION Location (Address or 'xx.yyyy,zz.ttttt')
-lc, --location-cache Bot will start at last known location
-m MODE, --mode MODE Set farming Mode for the bot ('all', 'poke', 'farm')
-w SPEED, --walk SPEED Walk instead of teleport with given speed (meters per second max 4.16 because of walking end on 15km/h)
-du UNIT, --distance-unit UNIT Set the unit to display distance in (e.g, km for kilometers, mi for miles, ft for feet)
-it, --initial-transfer Start the bot with a pokemon clean up, keeping only the higher CP of each pokemon. It respects -c as upper limit to release.
-ig LIST, --ign-init-trans LIST Pass a list of pokemon to ignore during initial transfer (e.g. 017,049,001)
-ms MAX_STEP, --max-steps MAX_STEP Set the steps around your initial location (DEFAULT 5 mean 25 cells around your location)
-cp COMBAT_POWER, --combat-power COMBAT_POWER Transfer Pokemon that have CP less than this value (default 100)",
-iv IV, --pokemon-potential IV Set the ratio for the IV values to transfer (DEFAULT 0.4 eg. 0.4 will transfer a pokemon with IV 0.3)
-ri, --recycle-items Recycle unneeded items automatically
-if LIST, --item-filter LIST Pass a list of unwanted items to recycle when collected at a Pokestop (e.g, [\"101\",\"102\",\"103\",\"104\"] to recycle potions when collected). Requires --recycle-items.
-ep LIST, --exclude-plugins LIST Pass a list of plugins to exclude from the loading process (e.g, logger,web).
-k KEY, --gmapkey KEY Set a google maps API key to use
-gd, --google-directions Bot will use directions from google maps API to navigate
-d, --debug Debug Mode
-t, --test Only parse the specified location
Pokemon Trainer Club (PTC) account:
$ python2 pokecli.py -a ptc -u tejado -p 1234 --location "New York, Washington Square"
Google Account:
$ python2 pokecli.py -a google -u tejado -p 1234 --location "New York, Washington Square"
To load arguments for the bot from a JSON file, use the ``--config-json`` argument with the name of a file.
Any other command line arguments specified will override the parameters specified in the loaded JSON file.
Example - this will load config.json but use cp=1000 and iv=0.7 even if already defined in config.json:
$ python2 pokecli.py --config-json config.json -cp 1000 -iv 0.7
To edit the pokemon release configuration, copy the file ``release_config.json.example`` and rename it to ``release_config.json``
Edit this file however you want, but keep in mind:
1. Pokemon names should always be capitalized and are case-sensitive
2. The ``any`` configuration effects every pokemon
Here's the introduction
You can use -cp 1 to protect your first stage low CP pokemon.
Use either -l "lat, long"
or --location "lat, long"
Try to generate an app password and set is as
-p "<your-app-password>"
This error is mostly occurs for those who using 2 factor authentication but either way for the purpose of security would be nice to have a separate password for the bot app.
The status code "3" corresponds to "Flee" - meaning your Pokemon has ran away. {"responses": { "CATCH_POKEMON": { "status": 3 } }
Finish the tutorial on a smartphone. This will then allow everything to be visible.
Create the following filter
Its a yaml file with a list of names so make it look like
- Pidgey
- Rattata
- Pidgeotto
- Spearow
- Ekans
- Zubat
You can either view the map via opening the html file, or by serving it with SimpleHTTPServer (runs on localhost:8000)
To use SimpleHTTPServer:
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer [port]
The default port is 8080, you can change that by giving a port number.
Anything above port 1000 does not require root.
You will need to set your username(s) in the userdata.js file before opening:
Copy userdata.js.example to userdata.js and edit with your favorite text editor.
put your username in the quotes instead of "username"
If using multiple usernames format like this:
var users = ["username1","username2"];
- tejado for the API
- Mila432 for the login secrets
- elliottcarlson for the Google Auth PR
- AeonLucid for improved protos
- AHAAAAAAA for parts of the s2sphere stuff
- PokemonGoF and all contributors for the original bot this fork is based on