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DFE-Digital Get Into Teaching website


  • Ruby 2.7.4
  • NodeJS 12.22.x
  • Yarn 1.22.x


View performance data on Skylight View traffic data on Skylight View typical response times on Skylight View problem response times on Skylight

Mac Setup (as of Catalina 11-07-20)

  1. install homebrew, this will ask to install the xcode command line tools if you dont have it already Run /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. install gpg2 Run brew install gpg2
  3. import the RVM keys do not use these keys get them from the official website ( as they change often Run gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
  4. trust the first key Run echo 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3:6: | gpg2 --import-ownertrust # [email protected]
  5. install rvm Run \curl -sSL | bash -s stable
  6. enable rvm (replace ) Run source /Users/<your-user-name>/.rvm/scripts/rvm
  7. install ruby 2.7.4 Run rvm install ruby 2.7.4
  8. switch your system to use ruby 2.7.4Runrvm use 2.7.4`
  9. install yarn Run brew install yarn
  10. install the bundler gem Run gem install bundler:2.2.8

Setting up the app in development

  1. Run bundle install to install the gem dependencies
  2. Run yarn to install node dependencies
  3. Run bundle exec rails server to launch the app on http://localhost:3000
  4. Run ./bin/webpack-dev-server in a separate shell for faster compilation of assets

Copy the content your local machine.

Content for this website is stored in a seperate repo and is added in by the CI/CD pipeline. You will need to do this manually to have the content available on your local development environment.

  1. Clone the following repo:
  2. Copy the content folder from this repo and merge it into app/views/content

Alternatively, create a symlink from apps/views/content to the location of your content directory by changing to your app/views directory and running ln -s content /the/path/to/your/content/directory.

Whats included in this website

  • Rails 6.1 with Webpacker
  • RSpec
  • Dotenv (managing environment variables)
  • Dockerbuild file
  • GitHub Actions based CI

Content for this website

The static content for this website is held in a separate Content repository

When the application in this repository is deployed, it builds a Docker Image, then triggers a build of the Content Repo which builds its own Docker Image layered on top of this one.

Running specs, linter(without auto correct) and annotate models and serializers

bundle exec rake

Running specs

Dependencies: The Chrome and chromedriver need to be installed for the feature tests. Alternatively, install the chromium and chromium-chromedriver for smaller footprint.

To run the Ruby specs

bundle exec rspec

To run the Javascript specs

bundle exec yarn spec


It's best to lint just your app directories and not those belonging to the framework, e.g.

bundle exec rubocop app config db lib spec Gemfile --format clang -a

You can automatically run the Ruby linter on commit for any changed files with the following pre-commit hook .git/hooks/pre-commit.

if [ "x$SKIPLINT" == "x" ]; then
    exec bundle exec rubocop $(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACM | egrep '\.rb|\.feature|\.rake' | grep -v 'db/schema.rb') Gemfile


Prettier is used for code formatting. ESLint is used for static analysis of JavaScript code quality. It is configured to ignore stylistic rules that conflict with Prettier, and uses the JavaScript Standard style.

To list any violations in the project's JavaScript:

yarn js-lint

To automatically fix any violations. Any violations that cannot be automatically fixed will be listed in the output (note: this will overwrite any file that needs formatting):

yarn js-lint-fix


StyleLint is used for CSS linting, it uses the GDS Stylelint Config.

To lint the ./app/webpacker/styles directory:

# Run StyleLint
yarn scss-lint

# Automatically fix, where possible, violations reported by rules
yarn scss-lint --fix



The application has 2 extra Rails environments, in addition to the default 3.

  1. development - used for local development
  2. test - used for running the test suites in an isolated manner
  3. production - the 'live' production copy of the application
  4. rolling - 'production-like' - continuously delivered, reflects current master
  5. preprod - 'production-like' - stage before release to final production
  6. pagespeed - 'production-like' - pipes page speed metrics to Prometheus on boot

NOTE: It is important if checking for the production environment to also check for other 'production-like' environments unless you really intend to only check for production, ie.

if Rails.env.rolling? || Rails.env.preprod? || Rails

Public Configuration

First its worth mentioning that all config from production.rb is inherited by both rolling.rb and preprod.rb so separate configuration may not be required

Publicly visible Environment Variables can be added to the relevant .env files for each environment

  1. /.env.production
  2. /.env.rolling
  3. /.env.preprod

Private Configuration - ie secrets

These can be recorded in the relevant environments encrypted credentials file

bundle exec rails credentials:edit --environment <environment-name>

You will either need to have RAILS_MASTER_KEY set within your environment or have have the appropriate /config/credentials/<env-name>.key file with the environments master key in.

HTTP Basic authentication

The app uses HTTP Basic authentication for two purposes:

  • To restrict access (site-wide) to any of the production-like environments (except production itself).
  • To restrict access to the /internal/ path, which is not intended for public use. Access is granted to users with either a publisher or author role (see ./lib/user.rb). The publisher user type has elevated permissions.

Users are stored as comma separated list in the following format:


If a user does not require a role (site-wide authentication), the role credential can be omitted:



The Department for Education's Get Into Teaching website







No packages published


  • Ruby 62.9%
  • HTML 13.2%
  • JavaScript 11.4%
  • SCSS 11.1%
  • HCL 0.8%
  • Makefile 0.3%
  • Other 0.3%