A web browser-based game developed using vanilla JavaScript, to train my daughter’s level of concentration, as suggested by her teacher.
Press the 2x2 button to start, then press the first cell with number 1 in it, I call it cell one.
If press the 2x2 button again, all the 4 numbers will be reset in each cell inclucing the cell one which is already pressed,
which means at this time there would be another number in cell one instead of 1.
However the cell one's background color is still white indicating a pressed state.
The correct display is that all the cells' background colors should be blue whenever the reset button is clicked.
- Stopwatch -- finished on 12/06
- layout -- finished on 13/06
- stopwatch -- finished on 14/06
- next button -- finished on 15/06
- next button & back button -- finished