A full stack web application for managing information about products, categories and orders in cafe restaurant. Application is build on three layers architecture: cafe-management-system-db, cafe-management-system-be and cafe-management-system-fe.
The application uses technology:
- Backend: Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Maven, Lombok, MapStruct
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, NPM, TypeScript, Angular
- Database: MySQL
Service provide frontend implementation of the application, it consumes REST API from cafe-management-system-be service.
Service provide backend implementation of application - connection to database, REST API and JWT authentication.
Service contains cafe database in MySQL database for store all application data.
cd cafe-management-system-db
docker build --tag cafe-management-system-db .
cd ..
cd cafe-management-system-be
docker build --tag cafe-management-system-be .
cd ..
cd cafe-management-system-fe
docker build --tag cafe-management-system-fe .
cd ..
docker compose up
- cafe-management-system-db: jdbc:mysql://localhost:33061/cafe
- cafe-management-system-be: http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui/index.html
- cafe-management-system-fe: http://localhost:4200/
- Admin {username: [email protected], password: 12345}
- User {username: [email protected], password: 12345 }