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Logion allows you to output beautiful logs to a console (TTY)


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Logion allows you to output beautiful logs to a console (TTY) - from different parts of the program - use separators, indents, spinners and style your text.


Install via yarn add logion | npm install logion.


Create instance:

import Logion from 'logion';

const logger = new Logion(opts);

Logion comes with an easy to use composable API that supports chaining:

  .text('Hello World!')
  .text('Good job', 'success')
  .line('One liner')
  .spinner('oh', 'Beatifull spinner');



module.exports ⏏

Class representing a logger.

Kind: Exported member


Class representing a logger.

Kind: static class of module.exports

new exports.Logion(options)

Create a logger.

Returns: Instance - a logger instance.

Param Type Default Description
options object Options object.
[options.streamIn] object process.stdin Input stream (for scrolling and shortcuts).
[options.streamOut] object process.stdout Output stream.
[options.disabled] boolean auto Is logger disabled (no logging). By default, disabled if not ran in TTY.
[options.paused] boolean false Is logger paused (not outputting to console and not listening for key presses, but still collecting logs).
[options.renderInterval] number 80 Render interval in ms to update spinners.
[options.spinnerColor] color white Spinner char color.
[options.spinnerIndent] number 0 Spinner indent length in text chars.
[options.spinnerFrames] Array.<string> ["⠋", "⠙", "⠹", "⠸", "⠼", "⠴", "⠦", "⠧", "⠇", "⠏"] Spinner frames characters.
[options.spinnerDoneChar] string "✱" Char to replace spinner after it is done (when calling spinnerDone).
[options.spinnerDoneAllChar] string "✸" Char to replace active spinners after they are done (when calling spinnerDoneAll).
[options.spinnerFormatDone] function (str) => str Call this function to format the spinner text after it is done, see spinnerFormatDone.

logion.width ⇒ number

Width of a console.

Kind: instance property of Logion
Returns: number - width in chars.
Read only: true

logion.height ⇒ number

Height of a console.

Kind: instance property of Logion
Returns: number - height in chars.
Read only: true

logion.disabled ⇒ boolean

Returns true if a logger is disabled.

Kind: instance property of Logion
Returns: boolean - is disabled.
Read only: true

logion.paused ⇒ boolean

Returns true if a logger is paused.

Kind: instance property of Logion
Returns: boolean - is paused.
Read only: true

logion.styleNames ⇒ object

Shortening style names enum. See Available style names

Kind: instance property of Logion
Returns: object - style names enum.
Read only: true

logion.newline([num], [force], [identifier]) ⇒ Instance

Output a newline(s). Accommodates if line breaks have been used before.

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: Instance - a logger instance.

Param Type Default Description
[num] number 1 Number of new lines to output.
[force] boolean false Do not accommodate for previous lines.
[identifier] string "$random" Identifier for this log message (should be unique).

logion.indent([num], [identifier]) ⇒ Instance

Output spaces. Can be used in the middle of a line.

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: Instance - a logger instance.

Param Type Default Description
[num] number 2 Number of spaces to output.
[identifier] string "$random" Identifier for this log message (should be unique).

logion.separate([color], [char], [identifier]) ⇒ Instance

Output a separator on a new line. It fills all the available width.

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: Instance - a logger instance.

Param Type Default Description
[color] color grey A separator character's color.
[char] string "-" Character that make up the separator.
[identifier] string "$random" Identifier for this log message (should be unique).

logion.text([string], styles, [identifier]) ⇒ Instance

Output a text with stlies applied. Does not add a new line.

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: Instance - a logger instance.

Param Type Default Description
[string] string "$space" Text to output.
styles object | styleName Style object or styleName string.
[styles.color] color Text color (uses Chalk module color).
[styles.bgColor] color Background color (uses Chalk color).
[styles.bold] boolean false Output as bold.
[styles.underline] boolean false Output as underlined.
[styles.italic] boolean false Output as italic.
[styles.strikethrough] boolean false Output as strike-through.
[identifier] string "$random" Identifier for this log message (should be unique)., styles, [identifier]) ⇒ string

Style a text string. Shortening names could be one of: "success", "error", "info", "bold", "underline", "italic", "strikethrough".

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: string - a styled string (with escape codes).

Param Type Default Description
string string Text to style.
styles object | styleName Style object or styleName string.
[styles.color] color Text color (uses Chalk module color).
[styles.bgColor] color Background color (uses Chalk color).
[styles.bold] boolean false Output as bold.
[styles.underline] boolean false Output as underlined.
[styles.italic] boolean false Output as italic.
[styles.strikethrough] boolean false Output as strike-through.
[identifier] string "$random" Identifier for this log message (should be unique).

logion.styleReset(string) ⇒ string

Reset all styles for a string.

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: string - an unstyled string.

Param Type Description
string string String with styled text.

logion.line([string], [styles], [indt]) ⇒ Instance

Output a line of a text with an indent.

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: Instance - a logger instance.

Param Type Default Description
[string] string "$space" Your text.
[styles] object | string Style object or shortening name (as string), same as style.
[styles.color] color Text color (uses Chalk module color).
[styles.bgColor] color Background color (uses Chalk color).
[styles.bold] boolean false Output as bold.
[styles.underline] boolean false Output as underlined.
[styles.italic] boolean false Output as italic.
[styles.strikethrough] boolean false Output as strike-through.
[indt] number 0 Line indentation, a number of spaces to output before the text.

logion.clear() ⇒ Instance

Clear all the output.

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: Instance - a logger instance.

logion.spinner(identifier, [text], [config]) ⇒ Instance

Create a spinner on a new line. You can mark a spinner as done using its identifier with spinnerDone.

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: Instance - a logger instance.

Param Type Default Description
identifier string Identifier for this spinner (required, should be unique).
[text] string Text to output after this spinner (on the same line).
[config] object An object for configuring this spinner.
[config.color] color white Spinner char color (uses Chalk module color).
[config.indent] number 0 Amount of spaces to output before this spinner.

logion.spinnerDone(identifier, [config]) ⇒ Instance

Mark the spinner as done. If text is not provided, uses spinnerFormatDone to format the original text.

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: Instance - a logger instance.

Param Type Default Description
identifier string Identifier for the spinner (previously used to create the spinner in spinner).
[config] object An object for configuring this spinner.
[config.text] string A new text for this spinner (if empty, leaves the original text).
[config.color] color A new spinner char color (if empty, uses the original color).
[config.char] string "✱" A character which replaces the spinner.

logion.spinnerDoneAll([config]) ⇒ Instance

Mark all spinners that are not already done as done. Uses spinnerFormatDone to format the original text.

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: Instance - a logger instance.

Param Type Default Description
[config] object An object for configuring this spinner.
[config.color] color A new spinner char color (if empty, uses the original color).
[config.char] string "✸" A character which replaces the spinner.

logion.beep() ⇒ Instance

Make a beep sound. May not be played in some consoles.

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: Instance - a logger instance.

logion.waitInteraction([text], [config]) ⇒ Promise.<Instance>

Output a special spinner and waits for a user interaction. Removes the spinner after interaction and resolves a Promise.

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: Promise.<Instance> - a promise which resolves after user interaction (resolver returns a logger instance).

Param Type Default Description
[text] string "Press any key to continue" Text for the spinner
[config] object An object for configuring the spinner, see spinner.

logion.log(string, [identifier]) ⇒ Instance

Log a row string. Other methods use this under the hood.

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: Instance - a logger instance.

Param Type Default Description
string string String to output.
[identifier] string "$random" Identifier for this log message (should be unique).

logion.removeLog(identifier) ⇒ Instance

Remove a log message with the corresponding identifier.

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: Instance - a logger instance.

Param Type Description
identifier string Identifier for the log message (used to create it in other methods).

logion.enable() ⇒ Instance

Enable a logger.

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: Instance - a logger instance.

logion.disable() ⇒ Instance

Disable a logger. When disabled, it removes all listeners, resets screen buffer, and clears all logs.

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: Instance - a logger instance.

logion.resume() ⇒ Instance

Update the console with the last messages, resume spinners and listen for user interactions. Use this after pause.

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: Instance - a logger instance.

logion.pause() ⇒ Instance

Pause all logging, remove all listeners. Use this to temporary output something outside a logger instance, or to release a process from events listening (by logion).

Kind: instance method of Logion
Returns: Instance - a logger instance.

module.exports~Instance : object

A logger instance.

Kind: inner typedef of module.exports

module.exports~styleName : "success" | "error" | "info" | "bold" | "underline" | "italic" | "strikethrough"

Available style names.

Kind: inner typedef of module.exports

module.exports~color : "black" | "red" | "green" | "yellow" | "blue" | "magenta" | "cyan" | "white" | "gray" | "blackBright" | "redBright" | "greenBright" | "yellowBright" | "blueBright" | "magentaBright" | "cyanBright" | "whiteBright"

Supported color names.

Kind: inner typedef of module.exports

module.exports~spinnerFormatDone ⇒ string

Format the spinner text when it is marked as done.

Kind: inner typedef of module.exports
Returns: string - a formated spinner text.

Type Description
string Current spinner text.


  • Add more tests.
  • Add a help message for scrolling and document it.
  • Add more text style (colors) variants.
  • Fix flickering and rerender screen only if needed.


Logion allows you to output beautiful logs to a console (TTY)







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