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SMILE SALES user microservice

This microservice is primarily designed to handle user-related functionalities within a larger application.
It provides essential features such as user registration, authentication, and management of personal information, delivery addresses, and shopping cart items.

Key Features

  • User Authentication:
    • Signup: Allows users to create new accounts.
    • Signin: Enables existing users to log in.
    • Password Reset: Provides a mechanism for users to recover their passwords.
    • Email Confirmation: Requires users to verify their email addresses before full account activation.
  • User Profile Management:
    • Read, Update: Users can view and modify their personal information.
  • Delivery Address Management:
    • Create, Read, Update, Delete: Users can manage their delivery addresses for shipping purposes.
  • Recently Viewed Items:
    • View: Users can see a list of items they have recently viewed.
  • Shopping Cart Management:
    • Create, Update, Read, Delete: Users can add, remove, and modify items in their shopping carts.

Technology Stack

Programming Languages



Static Badge Static Badge

Testing Framework

Static Badge


Static Badge Static Badge

Email notifications

Static Badge

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Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge


1. Clone repository with:

git clone

2. Go to directory with project

3. Create .env file:

on Windows (PowerShell), run:

New-Item -Path ".env" -ItemType "File"

on Unix or MacOS, run:

touch .env

4. Open any editor and paste your env variables:

SUPER_USER_PWD=some_pwd # Postgres user password
SECRET_KEY=some_secret key # Django's secret key
JWT_SIGNING_KEY=some_key # Signing key for JWT Tokens
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=123456 # Twilio's token for authentication in twilio
TWILIO_SERVICE_SID_CHANGE_EMAIL=123456 # Service ID for sending emails when the user wants to change an email
TWILIO_SERVICE_SID_SIGNUP_CONFIRMATION=123456 # Service ID for sending emails when the user need to confirm an email address
TWILIO_SERVICE_SID_PASSWORD_RESET=123456 # Service ID for sending emails when the user need to reset a password
DEBUG=0_or_1 # Determines whether the debug mode turned on (1 - on, 0 - off)
ALLOWED_HOSTS=localhost,,[::1] # Your allowed hosts
CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=http://localhost:3000, # Allowed CORS Origins
CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST=http://localhost:3000,,http://localhost:3001 # CORS White list
SQL_ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql # DB Engine
SQL_DATABASE=smile_sales_users # Database Name
SQL_USER=smile_sales_usr # Database Owner
SQL_PASSWORD=xxxx4444 # DB user's password
SQL_HOST=db # Database host
SQL_PORT=5432 # Database Port
SQL_CONN_MAX_AGE=60 # Maximum Connection's age
DB_SSL_MODE=0_or_1 # Determines whether SSL mode is enabled in DB connection (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled)
DRAMATIQ_BROKER_URL=redis_url # Redis url for dramatiq worker
DRAMATIQ_CRONTAB_BROKER_URL=redis_url # Redis url for dramatiq worker
DRAMATIQ_RESULT_BACKEND_URL=redis_url # Redis url for dramatiq worker
FLUSH_EXPIRED_TOKEN_PERIOD_HOURS=1 # How often expired tokens will be cleaned
DELETE_INACTIVE_CARTS_PERIOD_DAYS=1 # How often inactive carts will be deleted
AMPQ_CONNECTION_URL=url_rabbit_mq # URL for message broker
PRODUCT_CRUD_EXCHANGE_TOPIC_NAME=product_replication # Just copy that
USERS_DATA_CRUD_EXCHANGE_TOPIC_NAME=users_data_replication # Just copy that
ORDER_PROCESSING_EXCHANGE_TOPIC_NAME=order_processing_replication # Just copy that

Running The app

If you want to run this app you have two options:

  • Run it using docker-compose
  • Run it using k8s

1. Running using docker-compose

1.1 Add a permission to execute the file inside the docker-compose's Postgres service:

chmod +x

1.2 Enter the command below to run the app with docker-compose:

docker compose up -d --build

1.3 Go to localhost:8000 or and use the API.

2. Running using Kubernetes resources in development environment

Note: If you want to run this API using Kubernetes, you need to create and expose Postgres and Redis servers manually

2.1 Create a kubernetes namespace:

kubectl create namespace smile-sales-users

2.2 Create an object with type secret from .env file:

kubectl create secret generic web-secrets --from-env-file=.env

2.3 Go to directory with k8s resources:

cd k8s/dev

2.4 Apply config maps:

kubectl apply -f config-maps/

2.5 Apply persistent volumes:

kubectl apply -f persistent-volumes/

2.6 Apply persistent volume claims:

kubectl apply -f persistent-volume-claims/

2.7 Run jobs to complete migrations and collect static files:

kubectl apply -f jobs/

2.8 Wait until jobs are completed, you can check whether they are completed with command:

kubectl get jobs

2.9 Apply services:

kubectl apply -f services/

2.10 Apply deployments:

kubectl apply -f deployments/

3. Running using Kubernetes resources in production on GKE server

You need to perform identical steps as in the development environment.
But, there's a few nuances:

  • You need to use k8s resources from k8s/production directory
  • GCS Fuse bucket is required (it used as a storage for static files)
  • At the end of k8s/production/persistent-volumes/staticfiles-pv-user-microservice.yaml file, paste your bucket's name (see "volumeHandle" key)
  • Make sure that your kubernetes service account gke-user (If it's not created, create one) is bound to gcp service account which has "StorageAdmin" role and has access to the created bucket

Run Tests

POV: make sure you're in the default directory

To run tests you need to complete 3 steps:

  1. Run the test app with another docker-compose file:
docker compose -f docker-compose-test-env.yaml up -d
  1. Run the command below:
docker compose exec web python test -v 2
  1. Shutdown docker-compose services:
docker compose -f docker-compose-test-env.yaml down


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