Faster RCNN is an object detection model introduced in Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks paper.
The architechure of Faster RCNN model is shown below,
Faster R-CNN, is composed of two modules. The first module is a deep fully convolutional network that proposes regions, and the second module is the Fast R-CNN detector that uses the proposed regions.
- Python version used : 3.9.16
- Create a python or conda environment using requirements.txt
To train the Faster RCNN model follow the below steps :
Prepare dataset :
- Prepare dataset in COCO format. It should have the below 2 files & folders
- Image folder
- Annotation file (Json file) in coco format
- Prepare dataset in COCO format. It should have the below 2 files & folders
Run :
python --epoch 10 --train_image_dir <train_image_folder> --val_image_dir <val_image_folder> --train_coco_json <train_coco_json> --val_coco_json <val_coco_json> --batch_size 16 --exp_folder <experiment_folder>
The training weights and tensorboard logs will be saved in experiment folder
The training and validation logs can be visualized in tensorboard as shown below :
The instruction about inference with a trained model are discussed in demo_inference.ipynb notebook