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Nx Sass

SASS library development tool and builder for Nrwl Nx platform.

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🚀 Features

NX Sass is a plugin NX that allows you to create decoupled libraries based on SASS for your Frontend projects in monorepo projects.

  • Buidling: Provides an executor to compile your Sass code with different configuration options.
  • Live Update: Develop your Sass based library with Live Update to automate compilation at every change.
  • Linting: Lint your Sass files with Stylelint to follow best practices.

🏁 Getting Started

📋 Prerequisite

This module is based on Nx, you will need to set up an Nx workspace before you can use nx-sass.

npx create-nx-workspace@latest

💻 Installation

npm install -D @gitopslovers/nx-sass

🛠️ Creating Nx Sass Library

nx g @gitopslovers/nx-sass:lib <sass-lib-name>

🏗️ Building Nx Sass Library

  • Run nx build <sass-lib-name> to build your library.

🌐 Serving Nx Sass Library

  • Run nx serve <sass-lib-name> to serve your library for development.

🧹 Linting Nx Sass Library

  • Run nx lint <sass-app-name> to lint your library.

❓ Support

If you're having any problem, please raise an issue on GitHub and we'll be happy to help.

🤝 Contribute

🙌 Attribution

This project is inspired by several contributions made by the NX community, especially the nx-stylelint project.

Author: GitOps Lovers ❤️