Prove of concept, which shows how to construct you own, feature reach, java based web-framework from public available libraries.
Idea is to check, is it really possible to get a set of tools, sufficient for modern web application, which normally we got from big frameworks (e.g. Spring) with very small effort.
Potential benefits of this approach:
- To get exactly tools which you want
- To have in application only JARs which you need
- To have much more control without any "magic"
- To minimize size of final application artifact
mvn -Pjooq generate-sources
mvn -Pflyway initialize -Dflyway.defaultSchema=test_jooq -Dflyway.user=postgres -Dflyway.password=postgres
e.g. java -Dpass=megapass -Dmicro-config-path=/xx/aaa -jar db-0.2.jar
java -Dpass=megapass -jar db-0.2.jar
one-jar -- 70Kb (rejected: problems)
Dependency injection:
- Dagger 2 -- 40 Kb
- Guice -- 2 Mb (rejected: too big VS Dagger)
- HK2 -- 2 Mb (rejected: too big VS Dagger)
Configuration management
Database migrations
Embed Servlet container
- Jersey
- jersey-server -- 3 Mb
- jersey-hk2 -- 1.5 Mb
- jersey-container-servlet-core -- +75 Kb
- jersey-media-json-jackson -- 2 Mb
- jersey-mvc -- 150 Kb
Template Engine
- Thymeleaf - 1.5 Mb