- Bump Events (if an event happens during a State, it is just added back to the queue)
- Make the state machine definition a shared asset
- Precompute route between states defines by events (no more route search at runtime)
UPROPERTY(Instanced) UHierarchicalStateMachine* m_stateMachine;
m_stateMachine = CreateDefaultSubobject<UHierarchicalStateMachine>(TEXT("stateMachine"));
TRACK(RootTrack) // First level of the state machine must contain Tracks and not States. It can contain several Tracks
// Default state is just like any state, except it will be the state that
// is entered in the track if the transition does not define a specific destination state
STATE_ENTER(this, &MyClass::State1_Enter); // these are just delegates to you class methods
STATE_TICK(this, &MyClass::State1_Tick); // function prototype for TICK is void(float) the parameter is dt
STATE_EXIT(this, &MyClass::State1_Exit); // function prototype for ENTER/EXIT is void()
STATE_TICK(this, &MyClass::State2_Tick); //You can just declare the function you need between ENTER TICK & EXIT
TRACK(SubTrack1) // Every State can have several tracks, Every Track can have several States
// ...
// Every Track Name must be unique, every State Name must be unique as well
TRANSITION_EVENT("EventName", SubState2, State1);
TRANSITION_EVENT("EventName2", SubState2, SubState1); // Transition must declared from one state to another
TRANSITION_EVENT("EventName3", Track, SubState1); // Transition can also be declared from a track to a state
m_stateMachine->Start(); // Starts State Machine, enters all defaults states from the highest to the deepests
m_stateMachine->Tick(DeltaTime) // Dequeue events, enter/exit states accordingly, ticks all current states, Dequeue events again and enter/exit states accordingly
m_stateMachine->Stop(); // Stops State Machine, exits all current states from the deepests to the highest
m_stateMachine->PostEvent("EventName"); // Post an event that may result in a state transition.
m_stateMachine->bImmediatelyDequeueEvents = true; // Sets the state machine to dequeue events immediately during a PostEvent calls
This state machine is greatly inspired and loosely adapted from Wiwila's work on State Machines.