This repo serves as the place for all Keptn tutorials hosted on The repo bases on the Google Codelab project.
If you want to contribute your own tutorial or foud a bug and want to fix it - please start here!
- claat: Holds the sources for the Codelabs as a Thing (Claat) CLI.
- codelab-elements: Holds library elements for the codelabs
- sample: Example tutorial in markdown format
- site: Serves as the main folder where all Keptn tutorials are located (in the site/tutorials folder). This is the place where you can add your own tutorials.
- third-party: Third party build files.
The main tutorials folder is located at site/tutorials and all repos that are published at must be added to this folder. It also holds instructions how to write your own tutorials.
Since this repository bases on Google Codelabs, we want to acknowledge their work by remaining the original acknowledgment section:
Google Codelabs exists thanks to the talents and efforts of many fine volunteers, including: Alex Vaghin, Marc Cohen, Shawn Simister, Ewa Gasperowicz, Eric Bidelman, Robert Kubis, Clare Bayley, Cassie Recher, Chris Broadfoot, Sam Thorogood, Ryan Seys, and the many codelab authors, inside and outside of Google, who have generated a veritable treasure trove of content.