This is a group chat application made with Django, deployed on Render.
Install poetry (this example use a virtual environment:
mkdir -p $VENV_PATH
python3 -m venv $VENV_PATH
$VENV_PATH/bin/pip install -U pip setuptools
$VENV_PATH/bin/pip install poetry
source $VENV_PATH/bin/activate
and run:
poetry install
To deploy locally for test, run one of these commands (the first format is recommended because it's the one the project is using on production:
daphne group_chat.asgi:application
poetry run python3 runserver
: build script used by Render to deploydata.json
: the flat file database
- legacy-no-ws: using simple JS script + file writing to update the UI and the database, without using websocket
- master: production
Feel free to raise issues or to provide any feeback. Any contribution are welcome!
Take a look at the current issues.