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Serverless TODO Web Application using Hexaville. This is used as demo app in my session at builderscon tokyo 2017


Before Installation

This example application requires GitHub OAuth App. Before installation, you had better to create it.

The callbak url should be

Instructions for Local Development


1. Installing DynamoDBLocal

There are two ways to install DynamoDBLocal

  1. Setup with Docker. The image is here
  2. Download and install DynamoDBLocal from here

In any case, You need to keep it start while local development.

2. Export Environment Variables

Export dynamodb endpoint and GitHub OAuth Application credential as Environment variables.

export DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8000
export GITHUB_APP_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
export GITHUB_APP_SECRET=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

3. Build HexavilleTODOExample

$ git clone
$ cd HexavilleTODOExample
$ make install

make install do following steps.

  1. swift build
  2. DynamoDB migration for creating tables that are used in app.

4. Start Debug Server

$ ./.build/debug/hexaville-todo-example serve

5. Access From Browser

Access http://localhost:3000/ from your browser and then, You'll see Welcome to Hexaville!

That's it!

Extra. Open HexavilleTODOExample with Xcode

You can open and edit HexavilleTODOExample project with Xcode to follow following steps.

$ swift package generate-xcodeproj
$ open HexavilleTODOExample.xcodeproj

Instructions for Deployment

1. Cloning Repo

$ git clone
$ cd HexavilleTODOExample

2. Edit your Hexavillefile.yml

replace xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for credential, region and bucket with your environment in Hexavillefile.yml.

If you don't give role(ARN) for Lambda, The IAM user that use in credential need to have AdministratorAccess.

name: HexavilleTODOExample
service: aws
    access_key_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # change here
    secret_access_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # change here
  region: ap-northeast-1  # change here if needed
    bucket: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # change here
#    role: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # change here if needed
    nocache: false
  version: "4.0"
    configuration: release

3. Add Required Environment Variables to .env

GITHUB_APP_ID and GITHUB_APP_SECRET can get from your Oauth Application page on GitHub.



4. Deploy to AWS

$ cd HexavilleTODOExample
$ make deploy

make deploy do following steps.

  1. DynamoDB migration for creating tables that are used in app.
  2. hexaville deploy

5. Access from Browser

After deploying, You can get endpoint information from standard output.