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npm version License: MIT Build

crypto-js enhancement for modern js environments.

  • Works in modern browsers and IE9/10/11.
    *IE9/10 uses weak random generator on cipher encryption with string password. Use it at your own risk.
    *If only using decryption or hash/hmac, weak random generator does not cause any trouble.
  • Loadable with ES6/CommonJS/Typescript/Browser runtimes.
  • Support GCM/GMAC/CCM/CBC-MAC 🎉🎉🎉
  • CLI commands available:
    i.e. npx jscrypto sha1 "message", npx jscrypto aes enc "message" "password", etc.
  • Written in Typescript with rich type declarations.
  • When bundling only SHA256 module, the webpack-ed js file can be less than 6kb.
  • Default parameters for Block cipher (AES/DES/Triple-DES) is tuned to be OpenSSL(1.1.1f) compatible.
    Read further here

Breaking changes for version 0.x.x users

There are several breaking changes between version 0.x and 1.x.
Please see detail in CHANGELOG


npm install jscrypto
# or
yarn add jscrypto

If you only want to use CLI commands, you don't even need to install jscrypto.
Just dispatch npx command like npx jscrypto sha256 "message".
Read further here


CommonJS Environment (Node.js environment like node CLI, AWS Lambda, etc)

// Load whole library modules.
const JsCrypto = require("jscrypto");

// or load only necessary modules (Recommended for faster loading and reduced size)
const {SHA256} = require("jscrypto/SHA256");

ES6 Environment (i.e. Creating app/library with webpack/react-scripts or some es6-compatible bundlers)

Be sure to load the module from jscrypto/es6.
This can greatly reduce bundle size by bundlers tree-shaking ability. Don't forget to add /es6 following jscrypto

// Load whole library modules.
import * as JsCrypto from "jscrypto/es6";
import {SHA256} from "jscrypto/es6/SHA256"; // Recommended

Typescript Environment

Be sure to load the module from jscrypto/es6.

// Load whole library modules.
import * as JsCrypto from "jscrypto/es6";
import {SHA256} from "jscrypto/es6/SHA256"; // Recommended


Copy js files/directories under /dist dir into somewhere browser can access.
Then directly load js file into <script> tag.

<script src="dist/index.js"></script> <!-- All modules are loaded into browser -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  // This will output: "9f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0c55ad015a3bf4f1b2b0b822cd15d6c15b0f00a08"
<!-- OR -->
<script src="dist/SHA256.js"></script> <!-- Single module loading is lightweight and faster. -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  // This will output: "9f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0c55ad015a3bf4f1b2b0b822cd15d6c15b0f00a08"


Command Line Interface to try various crypto modules on terminal.

  Usage: npx jscrypto <hash|hmac|cipher> [command options]

  hash: md5, sha1, sha3, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, ripemd160
  hmac: hmac-md5, hmac-sha1, hmac-sha224, hmac-sha256, hmac-sha384, hmac-sha512
  cipher: aes, des, des3, rc4

  $ npx jscrypto <hash> message [-msg hex|base64|utf8] [-out hex|base64]

      -msg: utf8 ... recognize message as utf-8 string
      -out: hex ... output hashed binary as hex string
      #Output of below 3 examples are the same
      npx jscrypto sha1 test
      npx jscrypto sha1 74657374 -msg hex
      npx jscrypto sha1 dGVzdA== -msg base64

  $ npx jscrypto <hmac> message key [msg hex|base64|utf8] [-key hex|base64|utf8] [-out hex|base64]

      -msg: utf8 ... recognize message as utf-8 string
      -key: utf8 ... recognize key as utf-8 string
      -out: hex ... output hashed binary as hex string
      #Output of below 3 examples are the same
      npx jscrypto hmac-sha1 test key
      npx jscrypto hmac-sha1 74657374 6b6579 -msg hex -key hex
      npx jscrypto hmac-sha1 dGVzdA== a2V5 -msg base64 -key base64

  $ npx jscrypto <cipher> message key [-msg hex|base64|utf8] [-key hex|base64|utf8] [-out hex|base64|utf8] [-mode cbc|ecb|ofb|cfb] [-pad pkcs7|iso10126|iso97971|ansix923|nopadding] [-kdf pbkdf2|evpkdf]

      -msg: utf8 ... recognize message as utf-8 string
      -key: utf8 ... recognize key as utf-8 string
      -out: base64|hex ... base64 on encryption, hex on decryption. Note: utf8 cannot be used on encryption.
      -mode: cbc ... Code block chaining as block cipher mode
      -pad: pkcs7 ... Pkcs7 padding as block padding
      -kdf: pbkdf2 ... PBKDF2 as key derivation function
      #Encrypt (Output would not be the same because of a random salt, but can be decrypted with the same key)
      npx jscrypto aes enc test password
      npx jscrypto aes enc 74657374 70617373776f7264 -msg hex -key hex
      npx jscrypto aes enc dGVzdA== cGFzc3dvcmQ= -msg base64 -key base64
      npx jscrypto aes dec U2FsdGVkX19Kf/wItWMuaTrQYV3OljA3Cr9WPMhC6Tk= password -out utf8
      npx jscrypto aes dec A2pYDd/3oeENsRFGA1Y0Mg== 70617373776f7264 -key hex -out utf8
      npx jscrypto aes dec A2pYDd/3oeENsRFGA1Y0Mg== cGFzc3dvcmQ= -key base64 -out utf8

OpenSSL compatibility


encryptedData = JsCrypto.AES.encrypt("message", "secret phrase").toString();

is equivalent in OpenSSL (1.1.1f) to

echo -n "message" | openssl enc -e -aes-256-cbc -pass pass:"secret phrase" -base64 -pbkdf2
# Note: Because of a random salt, everytime it produces different base64 string.
# But it is OK for decryption.


Encrypted data can be decrypted by

JsCrypto.AES.decrypt(encryptedData, "secret phrase").toString(JsCrypto.Utf8); // "message"

or in OpenSSL

echo "U2FsdGVkX1..." | openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -pass pass:"secret phrase" -base64 -pbkdf2
# U2FsdGVkX1... is the output from either JsCrypto/OpenSSL encryption code/command.


Failed to import jscrypto in Typescript environment.

In most cases, your tsconfig.json is configured not to load npm module from node_modules folder.
Check your tsconfig.js to be:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "moduleResolution": "Node"


jscrypto supports crypto modules as well as cryptojs.


Hash MD5, SHA1, SHA3, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, RIPEMD160,
Block Cipher AES, DES, Triple-DES

Basic structure

Word Word32Array, Word64Array
Encoder Base64, Hex, Latin1, Utf8, Utf16


Stream Cipher Rabbits, RC4, RC4Drop
Key Derive Function OpenSSLKDF, EvpKDF, PBKDF2
Block Cipher mode CBC, CFB, CTR, ECB, OFB, GCM, CCM
Block Padding AnsiX923, ISO10126, ISO97971, NoPadding, Pkcs7, Zero
Formatter OpenSSLFormatter