[ 日本語 ]
This is a small project I worked on to learn more about reinforcement learning. (I've made it public for a couple of my friends.) The agent uses a Deep Q Network to find the optimal action given a state. Note that this agent uses as simple learning method, and does not have a target network. I look to improve on this in the future.
A quick explanation of what each file does.
Filename | purpose |
agent.py | contains the agent and the DQN |
demo.py | uses a pre-trained network to create a demo video (demo.mp4) |
game.py | contains the game (SnakeGame) |
train.py | used for training. Hyperparameters must be edited via the file. (will fix later) |
utils.py | contains utility functions for creating plots and videos |
video.py | seperate video function with the ability to choose which frames to begin from and end at. (WIP) |
requirements.txt contains unnecessary dependencies. (since this was made with pip freeze on a large environment that was meant to emcompass some of my other personal projects)
snake's score seems to plateau at around 3,000 episodes.
snake has a habit of occasionally running into itself, especially when the apple spawns on the opposite side of its body. This is most likely because of a shortage of this particular situtation in the replay memory. Afterall this situation only occurs once every 200 ~ 500 steps, meaning that there are only 200 ~ 500 examples of this in the 100,000 long memory. This may be the cause of the score plateauing at 3,000 episodes.
Since this is a personal project I won't be going in to the details of which exact lines of code were taken from whom. Simply put, the snake game was coded by me; the DQN and Agent classes were mostly adapted upon the code from (1); the environment rewards were taken from (2).
Deep Q Learning is Simple with PyTorch | Full Tutorial 2020, Machine Leanring with Phil, 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc-FxNENg9U&ab_channel=MachineLearningwithPhil
Snake Played by a Deep Reinforcement Learning Agent, Harder D. H., 2020, https://towardsdatascience.com/snake-played-by-a-deep-reinforcement-learning-agent-53f2c4331d36