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$ openinganalyzer fetch chesscom Hofsiedge 2021-07-01 2021-07-10 -o openings.out -m 3
Dumping a position graph to openings.out
Successfully saved a position graph!
$ openinganalyzer print openings.out
Position graph.
Depth: 3
White positions:
└─── e4
├─── d5
│ └─── exd5
├─── e5
│ └─── Nf3
├─── d6
│ ├─── Nf3
│ ├─── d4
│ ├─── Bc4
│ └─── Nc3
├─── c6
│ ├─── Nf3
│ └─── d4
├─── c5
│ └─── Nf3
├─── Nf6
│ └─── e5
├─── b6
│ └─── Nf3
└─── Nc6
└─── d4
Black positions:
├─── d4
│ └─── d6
│ └─── c4
├─── Nf3
│ └─── d6
│ └─── g3
└─── b3
└─── d6
└─── Bb2
$ openinganalyzer fetch lichess Hofsiedge 2023-01-01 2023-07-01 -o openings.out -m 3
2023/07/13 23:45:16 performing GET request to
2023/07/13 23:45:18 got 1 invalid games
Dumping a position graph to openings.out
$ openinganalyzer print openings.out -d
Position graph.
Depth: 3
Black positions:
├─── d4
│ └─── d5
│ └─── Nc3 (16.05.2023)
├─── e4
│ ├─── e6
│ │ └─── d4 (10.05.2023)
│ └─── e5
│ ├─── Qh5 (03.05.2023)
│ └─── Nf3 (13.03.2023)
└─── c4
└─── e5
└─── Qc2 (26.02.2023)
$ openinganalyzer
Chess Opening Analyzer fetches your games from popular online chess platforms,
builds a position graph, analyzes it with a UCI engine of your choice and provides you with
information on what are your weak moves in terms of precision, not just won/drawn/lost percentage.
openinganalyzer [flags]
openinganalyzer [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
fetch fetch your games from an online chess platform
help Help about any command
print print a position graph
-h, --help help for openinganalyzer
Use "openinganalyzer [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ openinganalyzer help fetch
fetch your games from an online chess platform (chesscom/lichess).
dates are specified in YYYY-MM-DD format. optionally accepts number of moves as -m flag
openinganalyzer fetch platform username start_date end_date [-m number_of_moves] [flags]
$ openinganalyzer fetch chesscom YourUsername 2021-10-01 2021-12-31 -m 5
Fetch from, username - YourUsername, start_date - 01.10.2021,
end_date - 31.12.2021, number of moves - 5
-h, --help help for fetch
-m, --moves int how deep you want a position graph to be (default 5)
-o, --output string output file (default "openings.out")
$ openinganalyzer help print
print a position graph
openinganalyzer print [path] [flags]
$ openinganalyzer print openings.out -d
Print out a move tree of the position graph stored in openings.out
with dates next to leaf-moves
-d, --dates print out the last date for each position
-h, --help help for print
- Commands
- evaluate a position graph with a UCI engine (e.g. Stockfish)merge
- merge several position graphs into oneviz
- visualize a position graph with graphviz
- Format
- Web