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wahln committed Apr 29, 2022
1 parent 49ccff3 commit d4c4223
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Showing 2 changed files with 354 additions and 0 deletions.
257 changes: 257 additions & 0 deletions matRad_multScen_FS_test.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
%% Example: Robust Treatment Planning with Protons
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Copyright 2018 the matRad development team.
% This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
% terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
% distribution and at No part
% of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
% propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
% LICENSE file.
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%% In this example we will
% (i) create a small artifical phantom
% (ii) create a scanned proton treatment plan considering a constant RBE of 1.1
% (iii) we will enable dose calculation on nine selected worst case scenarios
% (iv) robustly optimize the pencil beam intensities on all 9 dose scenarios
% using the composite worst case paradigm
% (v) visualise all individual dose scenarios
% (vi) sample discrete scenarios from Gaussian uncertainty assumptions

%% set matRad runtime configuration

%% Create a CT image series
xDim = 120;
yDim = 120;
zDim = 60;

ct.cubeDim = [xDim yDim zDim];
ct.resolution.x = 3; % mm
ct.resolution.y = 3; % mm
ct.resolution.z = 3; % mm
ct.numOfCtScen = 1;

% create an ct image series with zeros - it will be filled later
ct.cubeHU{1} = ones(ct.cubeDim) * -1024;

%% Create VOI data for the phantom
% Now we define three structures for the phantom
ixNT = 1;
ixTarget = 2;
ixOAR = 3;

% define general VOI properties
cst{ixNT,1} = 0; cst{ixNT,2} = 'contour'; cst{ixNT,3} = 'OAR';
cst{ixTarget,1} = 1; cst{ixTarget,2} = 'target'; cst{ixTarget,3} = 'TARGET';
cst{ixOAR,3} = 0; cst{ixOAR,2} = 'OAR'; cst{ixOAR,3} = 'OAR';

% define optimization parameter for both VOIs
cst{ixNT,5}.TissueClass = 1;
cst{ixNT,5}.alphaX = 0.1000;
cst{ixNT,5}.betaX = 0.0500;
cst{ixNT,5}.Priority = 3; % overlap priority for optimization - a higher number corresponds to a lower priority
cst{ixNT,5}.Visible = 1;
cst{ixNT,6}{1} = struct(DoseObjectives.matRad_SquaredOverdosing(5,20));

cst{ixTarget,5}.TissueClass = 1;
cst{ixTarget,5}.alphaX = 0.1000;
cst{ixTarget,5}.betaX = 0.0500;
cst{ixTarget,5}.Priority = 1; % overlap priority for optimization - a lower number corresponds to a higher priority
cst{ixTarget,5}.Visible = 1;
cst{ixTarget,6}{1} = struct(DoseObjectives.matRad_SquaredDeviation(100,60));

cst{ixOAR,5}.TissueClass = 1;
cst{ixOAR,5}.alphaX = 0.1000;
cst{ixOAR,5}.betaX = 0.0500;
cst{ixOAR,5}.Priority = 2; % overlap priority for optimization - a higher number corresponds to a lower priority
cst{ixOAR,5}.Visible = 1;
cst{ixOAR,6}{1} = struct(DoseObjectives.matRad_SquaredOverdosing(10,40));

%% Let's create a cubic phantom
% first define the dimensions of the organ at risk
cubeHelper = zeros(ct.cubeDim);
xLowNT = round(xDim/2 - xDim/4); xHighNT = round(xDim/2 + xDim/4);
yLowNT = round(yDim/2 - yDim/4); yHighNT = round(yDim/2 + yDim/4);
zLowNT = round(zDim/2 - zDim/4); zHighNT = round(zDim/2 + zDim/4);

for x = xLowNT:1:xHighNT
for y = yLowNT:1:yHighNT
for z = zLowNT:1:zHighNT
cubeHelper(x,y,z) = 1;
% extract the linear voxel indices and save it in the cst
cst{ixNT,4}{1} = find(cubeHelper);

% create a spherical target
cubeHelper = zeros(ct.cubeDim);
radiusPTV = xDim/13;
for x = 1:xDim
for y = 1:yDim
for z = 1:zDim
currPost = [x y z] - round([ct.cubeDim./2]);
if sqrt(sum(currPost.^2)) < radiusPTV
cubeHelper(x,y,z) = 1;
% extract the linear voxel indices and save it in the cst
cst{ixTarget,4}{1} = find(cubeHelper);

% create an OAR
cubeHelper = zeros(ct.cubeDim);
radiusOAR = xDim/15;
for x = 1:xDim
for y = 1:yDim
for z = 1:zDim
currPost = [x y z] - (round([ct.cubeDim./2])+ [10 -10 0]);
if sqrt(sum(currPost.^2)) < radiusOAR
cubeHelper(x,y,z) = 1;
% extract the linear voxel indices and save it in the cst
vIxOAR = find(cubeHelper);
[vLinLog,b] = ismember(vIxOAR,cst{ixTarget,4}{1}); % avoid overlap with target
cst{ixOAR,4}{1} = vIxOAR(~vLinLog);

% assign Hounsfield units
ct.cubeHU{1}(cst{ixNT,4}{1}) = 0; % assign HU of water
ct.cubeHU{1}(cst{ixTarget,4}{1}) = 0; % assign HU of water
ct.cubeHU{1}(cst{ixOAR,4}{1}) = -100; % assign HU of water

clear x y z xDim yDim zDim xLowNT xHighNT yLowNT yHighNT zLowNT zHighNT
%% Treatment Plan
% The next step is to define your treatment plan labeled as 'pln'. This
% structure requires input from the treatment planner and defines the most
% important cornerstones of your treatment plan.
% First of all, we need to define what kind of radiation modality we would
% like to use. Possible values are photons, protons or carbon. In this
% example we would like to use protons for robust treatment planning. Next, we
% need to define a treatment machine to correctly load the corresponding
% base data. matRad features generic base data in the file
% 'carbon_Generic.mat'; consequently the machine has to be set accordingly
pln.radiationMode = 'protons';
pln.machine = 'Generic';

% Define the biological optimization model for treatment planning along
% with the quantity that should be used for optimization. Possible model values
% are:
% 'none': physical optimization;
% 'constRBE': constant RBE of 1.1;
% 'MCN': McNamara-variable RBE model for protons;
% 'WED': Wedenberg-variable RBE model for protons
% 'LEM': Local Effect Model
% and possible quantityOpt are 'physicalDose', 'effect' or 'RBExD'.
% As we use protons, we use a constant RBE of 1.1.
modelName = 'constRBE';
quantityOpt = 'RBExD';

% The remaining plan parameters are set like in the previous example files
pln.numOfFractions = 20;
pln.propStf.gantryAngles = [0];
pln.propStf.couchAngles = [0];
pln.propStf.bixelWidth = 7;
pln.propStf.numOfBeams = numel(pln.propStf.gantryAngles);
pln.propStf.isoCenter = ones(pln.propStf.numOfBeams,1) * matRad_getIsoCenter(cst,ct,0);
pln.propOpt.runDAO = 0;
pln.propOpt.runSequencing = 0;

% retrieve bio model parameters
pln.bioParam = matRad_bioModel(pln.radiationMode,quantityOpt,modelName);

% retrieve 9 worst case scenarios for dose calculation and optimziation
pln.multScen = matRad_multScen(ct,'wcScen');

pln.propDoseCalc.doseGrid.resolution.x = 7; % [mm]
pln.propDoseCalc.doseGrid.resolution.y = 7; % [mm]
pln.propDoseCalc.doseGrid.resolution.z = 7; % [mm]

pln.propDoseCalc.fineSampling = matRad_cfg.propDoseCalc.defaultFineSamplingProperties;
pln.propDoseCalc.fineSampling.sigmaSub = 2;
pln.propDoseCalc.fineSampling.N = 10;

%% Generate Beam Geometry STF
stf = matRad_generateStf(ct,cst,pln);

%% Dose Calculation
dij = matRad_calcParticleDose(ct,stf,pln,cst);

%% Inverse Optimization for IMPT based on RBE-weighted dose
% The goal of the fluence optimization is to find a set of bixel/spot
% weights which yield the best possible dose distribution according to the
% clinical objectives and constraints underlying the radiation treatment.

resultGUI = matRad_fluenceOptimization(dij,cst,pln);

%% Trigger robust optimization
% Make the objective to a composite worst case objective


for ixRob = 1:numel(ROBUST_OPT)
cst{ixTarget,6}{1}.robustness = ROBUST_OPT{1,ixRob};
cst{ixOAR,6}{1}.robustness = ROBUST_OPT{1,ixRob};
cst{ixNT,6}{1}.robustness = ROBUST_OPT{1,ixRob};

% add a max constraint
%cst{ixOAR,6}{1,2} = struct(DoseConstraints.matRad_MinMaxDose([0 20],'voxel'));
%cst{ixOAR,6}{1,2}.robustness = 'COWC';

resultGUIrobust = matRad_fluenceOptimization(dij,cst,pln);

% combine resultGUI structures
resultGUI = matRad_appendResultGUI(resultGUI,resultGUIrobust,0,['robust' ROBUST_OPT{1,ixRob}]);


% matRadGUI

%% Visualize results
plane = 3;
slice = round(pln.propStf.isoCenter(1,3)./ct.resolution.z);

figure,matRad_plotSliceWrapper(gca,ct,cst,1,resultGUI.RBExD_beam1 ,plane,slice,[],[],colorcube,[],[0 max(resultGUI.RBExD_beam1(:))],[]);title('conventional plan - beam1')
figure,matRad_plotSliceWrapper(gca,ct,cst,1,resultGUIrobust.RBExD_beam1,plane,slice,[],[],colorcube,[],[0 max(resultGUIrobust.RBExD_beam1(:))],[]);title('robust plan - beam1')

% create an interactive plot to slide through individual scnearios
f = figure;title('individual scenarios');
numScen = 1;doseWindow = [0 3.5];
matRad_plotSliceWrapper(gca,ct,cst,1,resultGUIrobust.(['RBExD_' num2str(round(numScen))]),plane,slice,[],[],colorcube,[],doseWindow,[]);

[env,envver] = matRad_getEnvironment();
if strcmp(env,'MATLAB') || str2double(envver(1)) >= 5
b = uicontrol('Parent',f,'Style','slider','Position',[50,5,419,23],...
'value',numScen, 'min',1, 'max',pln.multScen.totNumScen,'SliderStep', [1/(pln.multScen.totNumScen-1) , 1/(pln.multScen.totNumScen-1)]);
set(b,'Callback',@(es,ed) matRad_plotSliceWrapper(gca,ct,cst,1,resultGUIrobust.(['RBExD_' num2str(round(get(es,'Value')))]),plane,slice,[],[],colorcube,[],doseWindow,[]));

%% Indicator calculation and show DVH and QI
[dvh,qi] = matRad_indicatorWrapper(cst,pln,resultGUIrobust);
%% Perform sampling
% select structures to include in sampling; leave empty to sample dose for all structures
structSel = {}; % structSel = {'PTV','OAR1'};
[caSamp, mSampDose, plnSamp, resultGUInomScen] = matRad_sampling(ct,stf,cst,pln,resultGUI.w,structSel);
[cstStat, resultGUISamp, meta] = matRad_samplingAnalysis(ct,cst,plnSamp,caSamp, mSampDose, resultGUInomScen);

[caSampRob, mSampDoseRob, plnSampRob, resultGUInomScen] = matRad_sampling(ct,stf,cst,pln,resultGUIrobust.w,structSel);
[cstStatRob, resultGUISampRob, metaRob] = matRad_samplingAnalysis(ct,cst,plnSampRob,caSampRob, mSampDoseRob, resultGUInomScen);

figure,title('std dose cube based on sampling - conventional')
matRad_plotSliceWrapper(gca,ct,cst,1,resultGUISamp.stdCube,plane,slice,[],[],colorcube,[],[0 max(resultGUISamp.stdCube(:))]);

figure,title('std dose cube based on sampling - robust')
matRad_plotSliceWrapper(gca,ct,cst,1,resultGUISampRob.stdCube,plane,slice,[],[],colorcube,[],[0 max(resultGUISampRob.stdCube(:))]);

97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions matRad_newScenarioTest.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
% matRad script
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Copyright 2015 the matRad development team.
% This file is part of the matRad project. It is subject to the license
% terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
% distribution and at No part
% of the matRad project, including this file, may be copied, modified,
% propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
% LICENSE file.
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%% set matRad runtime configuration

%% load patient data, i.e. ct, voi, cst

load TG119.mat
%load PROSTATE.mat
%load LIVER.mat
%load BOXPHANTOM.mat

% meta information for treatment plan
pln.numOfFractions = 30;
pln.radiationMode = 'protons'; % either photons / protons / helium / carbon
pln.machine = 'Generic';

% beam geometry settings
pln.propStf.bixelWidth = 5; % [mm] / also corresponds to lateral spot spacing for particles
pln.propStf.gantryAngles = 0; % [?] ;
pln.propStf.couchAngles = 0; % [?] ;
pln.propStf.numOfBeams = numel(pln.propStf.gantryAngles);
pln.propStf.isoCenter = ones(pln.propStf.numOfBeams,1) * matRad_getIsoCenter(cst,ct,0);
% optimization settings
pln.propOpt.runDAO = false; % 1/true: run DAO, 0/false: don't / will be ignored for particles
pln.propOpt.runSequencing = false; % 1/true: run sequencing, 0/false: don't / will be ignored for particles and also triggered by runDAO below

quantityOpt = 'physicalDose'; % options: physicalDose, effect, RBExD
modelName = 'none'; % none: for photons, protons, carbon % constRBE: constant RBE for photons and protons
% MCN: McNamara-variable RBE model for protons % WED: Wedenberg-variable RBE model for protons
% LEM: Local Effect Model for carbon ions % HEL: data-driven RBE parametrization for helium
% dose calculation settings
pln.propDoseCalc.doseGrid.resolution.x = 5; % [mm]
pln.propDoseCalc.doseGrid.resolution.y = 5; % [mm]
pln.propDoseCalc.doseGrid.resolution.z = 5; % [mm]

scenGenType = 'nomScen'; % scenario creation type 'nomScen' 'wcScen' 'impScen' 'rndScen'

% retrieve bio model parameters
pln.bioParam = matRad_bioModel(pln.radiationMode,quantityOpt, modelName);

% retrieve scenarios for dose calculation and optimziation
%pln.multScen = matRad_multScen(ct,scenGenType);
%pln.multScen = matRad_RandomScenarios(ct);
pln.multScen = matRad_SingleScenario(ct);

%% initial visualization and change objective function settings if desired

%% generate steering file
stf = matRad_generateStf(ct,cst,pln);

%% dose calculation
if strcmp(pln.radiationMode,'photons')
dij = matRad_calcPhotonDose(ct,stf,pln,cst);
%dij = matRad_calcPhotonDoseMC(ct,stf,pln,cst);
elseif strcmp(pln.radiationMode,'protons') || strcmp(pln.radiationMode,'helium') || strcmp(pln.radiationMode,'carbon')
dij = matRad_calcParticleDose(ct,stf,pln,cst);
%dij = matRad_calcParticleDoseMC(ct,stf,pln,cst);

%% inverse planning for imrt
resultGUI = matRad_fluenceOptimization(dij,cst,pln);

%% sequencing
if strcmp(pln.radiationMode,'photons') && (pln.propOpt.runSequencing || pln.propOpt.runDAO)
%resultGUI = matRad_xiaLeafSequencing(resultGUI,stf,dij,5);
%resultGUI = matRad_engelLeafSequencing(resultGUI,stf,dij,5);
resultGUI = matRad_siochiLeafSequencing(resultGUI,stf,dij,5);

%% DAO
if strcmp(pln.radiationMode,'photons') && pln.propOpt.runDAO
resultGUI = matRad_directApertureOptimization(dij,cst,resultGUI.apertureInfo,resultGUI,pln);

%% start gui for visualization of result

%% indicator calculation and show DVH and QI
[dvh,qi] = matRad_indicatorWrapper(cst,pln,resultGUI);

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