Harden Windows Security v.0.6.8
What's New
This update mainly focuses on improving the general aspects of the Harden Windows Security module based on user feedback and discussions.
TLS Category
- The TLS category now checks whether BattleNet client is installed on the system and if it is then uses a different group policy for the TLS category that has the
cipher suite.
recent discussion: #372
related issue: #38
The check happens by looking for the following 2 files on the system
C:\Program Files (x86)\Battle.net\Battle.net.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Battle.net\Battle.net Launcher.exe
BitLocker Category
Added new notice to inform the user about drive decryption status when they try to decrypt a drive that is already being decrypted.
Added a new notice to inform the user that the Enhanced level encryption requires removable drive selection. The notice is displayed when no removable drive is selected from the dropdown menu and then the user tries to use the Enhanced level encryption.
Improved scrolling experience on the backup page, the datagrid can now be scrolled using mouse wheel or trackpad. Suitable when there are so many BitLocker encrypted drives on the system that user needs to use the scrollbar to view all of them.
Other Changes
The Harden Windows Security module is now able to run as SYSTEM account. Related issue: #375
Implemented many recommendations by GitHub's Advanced Code quality scan for higher quality code base.
No errors will be displayed in the logs section if for any reason the toast notifications cannot be displayed. It prevents polluting the logs.
Increased the timeout for collecting MDM related info from the system from 10 seconds to 30 seconds when performing compliance check, in case a system has very low hardware specs and is extremely slow.
PR: #376