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Secret-map-dashboard map-api

Getting Started

  • Create a MongoDB instance with IBM Cloud

  • Export credentials in your environment

export MONGODB_URL="<your_mongodb_url_found_in_ibmcloud>"

Encode your MongoDB's SSL certificate in base64 then export them in your environment

echo -n "<paste_your_certificate_here>" | base64

export MONGODB_CERT_BASE64="<paste_the_encoded_result_here>"
  • Install dependencies and Run the app
npm install

npm start
  • The app will run in http://localhost:8080

Unit tests

  • The unit tests will look for a local MongoDB. You can start one easily with Docker.
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name local-mongo mongo
  • Run the test script
npm test

To stop your MongoDB container: docker stop local-mongo To start your MongoDB container back up, simply run: docker start local-mongo

To permanently delete the MongoDB container: docker rm local-mongo



POST request with JSON body

Example of adding a beacon:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "beaconId": "B01", "x": 1, "y": 1, "minCount": 0, "maxCount": 100}' http://localhost:8080/beacons/add


POST request with JSON body

Example of adding a booth:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "boothId": "A22", "unit": "swift", "description": "swift booth description", "measurementUnit": "metre", "shape": {"type": "circle","cx":5, "cy": 5, "radius": 10}, "contact": "Jane Doe"}' http://localhost:8080/booths/add


POST request with JSON body

Example of adding an event:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "eventId":"index","eventName":"Index","location":"San Francisco","startDate":"2018-02-20","endDate":"2018-02-24", beacons: "B01,B02,B03,B04", map:"A01,A02,A03,A04,A05,A06,A07"}' http://localhost:8080/events/add

Secret-map-dashboard front-end

This project was implemented using with Angular 2 CLI

Getting Started

  cd containers/front-end
  npm install -g @angular/cli
  npm install
  npm start

Application will be served on http://localhost:4200

Project Structure

Components, directives and services are angular.js terminology


  • Homepage - landing page that shows endpoints for all conferences that are registered

  • Main-dispaly - shows the event name, the event booth blocks with centered text ( which is the Map area componenet), and a footer that displays the total tally number of the distance traveled, the calories burned, and the fitcoins accumlated by conference attendees at a conference.

  • Heatmap - display a NxM grid that will display different gradients of color depending on the conference attendee's footsteps

  • Map-area - displays the event booth blocks with centered text as well as a movement heatmap of the conference attendees

  • Side-display - displays theme related images as well as a running count of the number of steps walked and the number calories burned by the conference attendees at the conference

  • Dashboard - contains Main-dispaly and Side-display componenets

To create a componenent run this commmand ng generate component < component-name >


  • Dashboard service - handles all of the http requests towards the map-api server

To create a service run this commmand ng generate service < service-name >


  • Map-area directive - handles the responsiveness of the size and positioning of the event booth blocks in regards to changing of the browser window's size

To create a directive run this commmand ng generate directive < directive-name >

Syntax Checking

  • npm run lint (checks for typescript syntax)

E2E tests

  • npm run e2e

Unit tests

  • npm run test

IoT/Analytics dashboards

IoT app will require a separate setup. Please check the iot-analytics-node-red-json folder for more information on how you can start using IoT as part of this project.