rcvm_matrice provides the Matrice 100 specific implementation of RCVM. Currently, it supports a Z3 camera gimbal as its only method of motion communication (though full body kinemes are being developed). You need rcvm_core to use this package, as rcvm_core provides the service definitions for the services implemented in this package.
To use, you can either call the launch file for a specific kineme anytime you want it, or you can start the server and call a service.
To use a launch file:
roslaunch rcvm_matrice [kineme_name.launch]
To use the server manually:
rosrun rcvm_matrice server.py
rosservice call /rcvm/[kineme_name] [service-args]
For more general information on RCVM: IRV Lab Project Page For the ICRA 19 paper (Unreal Engine Simulation of Aqua RCVM): ICRA19 Paper For an arXiv paper describing the first version of Aqua, Matrice, and Turtlebot RCVM: arXiv Paper
If citing something related to RCVM, please use the following reference (.bib file):
Fulton, Michael, Chelsey Edge, and Junaed Sattar. "Robot Communication Via Motion: Closing the Underwater Human-Robot Interaction Loop."
2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). IEEE, 2019.