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CASPER Compiler


The CASPER Compiler allows writing applications that are composed of tasks, where each task may be written in a DSL. The current list of supported DSLs is:

  • Halide: a declarative language for expressing computation over regular arrays without explicit iteration or control flow,
  • Unified Form Language (UFL): a declarative language for defining assembled matrices for Finite Element Methods in terms of differential equation terms,
  • Non-DSL: tasks written in a general-purpose language C, C++, or Python.

The CASPER Compiler provides a mechanism for joining tasks written in the DSLs into one graph that represents the computation in a complete program. CASPER invokes the respective DSL compiler to compile each task into object code: the Halide compiler for Halide tasks, and The Structure-Preserving Form Compiler (TSFC) for UFL. CASPER Compiler then links the object code produced by these DSL compilers into one binary.

The notion of "compilation" in the context of CASPER and DSLs embedded into a host language differs from the familiar parse-lex-compile process for a standalone (non-embedded) programming language. In CASPER, the application binary is produced by a meta-program binary that is compiled by the C++ host compiler and linked against the CASPER Compiler library. It's called a meta-program because it is a program, that when executed, produces another program (the application). The CASPER Compiler does not parse DSL code of the tasks nor the meta-program code. The CASPER Compiler is the library that is linked into the meta-program and provides the C++ API for defining the tasks and the data buffers, and linking them together into a graph. The DSLs that CASPER supports are embedded DSLs (into C++ and into Python, respectively), and thus the source code for a task is itself a part of the meta-program, i.e. when the code that defines the task executes, it produces object code for the task, not the output of the numerical algorithm in the task. In summary, one might say that for each application, a separate instance of the CASPER Compiler is first defined and built, and only then executed to produce the application binary. Some example meta-programs are presented in a later section of this document.

Depending on the DSL which a task is written in, the task code is in a separate source file specific to that DSL. For example, Halide tasks are defined in a .cpp file by a generator class written in the C++ (host language) with statements that are Halide directives. Tasks written in UFL are in .py files with a generator method that returns the objects constructed by Python statements that are UFL directives.

CASPER Compiler features include:

  • Compilation of the DSL code into multiple variants of object code and inclusion of all variants into the binary for selection at runtime.
  • Automatic instrumentation of the code that profiles the execution time of each task.
  • [WIP] Automatic invocation of the CASPER Autotuner to select the best performing variants for inclusion into the application binary.


The components of the CASPER Compiler implement the following responsibilities:

  • the front-end constructs the task graph (CASPER's intermediate representation),
  • the back-end accepts the (declarative) in-meory task graph and constructs a (procedural) skeleton program from it, and then lowers that program into object code
  • the back-end also invokes the respective DSL compiler for each task that emits the object code for each task
  • a CMake build code links the skeleton program and the tasks into an executable.


The class hierarchy that is defined by the CASPER meta-program API includes classes for objects corresponding to different types of tasks and for datasets. The task objects are parametrized by which DSL they are written in. The dataset objects are parametrized by their dimensions and element type (float, double, integer, etc).

Each task is written using a generator. This is characteristic of an embedded DSL. The generator is part of the meta-program, and when the meta-program runs it executes the generator, which in turn outputs the object code. Halide tasks are written using the Halide::Generator class shipped by Halide, and Python tasks are written using a generate() method at the file scope, described later in this document.

Dataset objects are created first and then passed to task object constructors. When two tasks operate on the same dataset (in sequence), then the same dataset object is passed to constructors of both tasks. Task objects are linked into a graph by passing previously created task objects into constructors for the task objects that follow. The back-end will use the edges in this task graph to determine the order in which to invoke the tasks.

Note that only Directed-Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) of tasks are supported. This means that there cannot be a backedge from a task to one of its dependencies. Iteration cannot be expressed in this task-based model, the back-end cannot emit loops: each task will be invoked exactly once. All iteration is contained within individual tasks, i.e. within the code that implements the task.


The input to the back-end is the in-memory data structure that represents the task graph, that had been constructed by the front-end. The back-end lowers this task graph representation into native object code, through several intermediary representations.

In the lowering process, the second intermediate representation (after the task graph) is a Multi-Level IR (MLIR) representation. MLIR is part of the LLVM project; it higher level representation than LLVM IR and can be lowered into LLVM IR. Rather than having a fixed set of operators that roughly correspond to native instructions, as does LLVM IR, the operations in MLIR are all custom-defined operators. MLIR ships with some sets of operations, called "dialects," and CASPER Compiler defines an additional dialect. The MLIR program may have operators from different dialects at the same time. Lowering is a process of rewriting operators in one dialect in terms of operators in other dialects, thereby shrinking the set of dialects in use, until the only dialect remaining is the LLVM IR, which can be lowered into native object code.

The lowering process (defined in cac/mlir.pp) in CASPER reduces the set of dialects in this order:

[Casper Task Graph]
{CasperDialect, StandardOpsDialect}
{StandardOpsDialect, AffineDialect, SCFDialect, LLVMDialect}
[native object code]

Note: The legacy name for CasperDialect carried over from development is ToyDialect.

The code in cac/build.cpp lowers the task graph into an MLIR program. The essence of that lowering is to emit an abstract CASPER-defined task-invocation operator for each task. Different operators are different for different DSLs, and each instance is parametrized by task-specific information, such as it's entry function, and the list of datasets that the task accesses.

The lowering from {CasperDialect, StandardOpsDialect} into a set of less abstract dialects shipped with MLIR distribution ({StandardOpsDialect, AffineDialect, SCFDialect, LLVMDialect}) is implemented in cac/mlir/LowerToAffineLoops.cpp. The task invocation operators are lowered into Call operator, each of which will corespond to a call into the entry point of the respective task. That entry point is carried as a parameter of the operator.

The CASPER dataset objects are lowered into Tensor objects of the StandardOps dialect. A Tensor type is an abstract representation of multi-dimensional arrays that is later lowered into a MemRef type, that represents a concrete region of memory, with support for different memory layouts. When a MemRef object is to be passed into a task's entry function, CASPER Compiler converts the MemRef datatype into a data type native to the the task's DSL. For example, for Halide, MemRef is converted into a halide_buffer_t structure. This structure is created on the stack and populated from the MemRef fields, with the central field being the pointer to data. No data is every copied, only a descriptor that points to the data memory is being changed. This conversion is implemented in cac/mlir/LowerToLLVM.cpp.

Compiling the tasks

Besides lowering the task graph that represents the whole program, it is also necessary to compile the DSL code for each task into native object code. CASPER Compiler does this before processing the task graph, by invoking the respective DSL compilers.

The meta-program invokes each DSL compiler. This kind of programatic invocation of a compiler is characteristic for languages embedded into another language: building and running the meta-program runs the DSL compiler -- there's not a separate OS process that would take files as input and parse them, as would be the case for a non-embedded language. In other terminology, the DSL code is written in the context of a generator, the generator is compiled and linked into the meta-program, and the meta-program invokes the generator when the meta-program executes.

Tasks written in Halide

Tasks that elect to use the Halide language are written in a .cpp file, and use the Halide::Generator class. The DSL statements are written in the generate() method, and the computation organization ("schedule") is written in the schedule() method. The fields of type GeneratorParam may be set to create different variants of the object code, as described below. The name of the entrypoint (or, the prefix of the name in case of multiple variants -- see below) is given to the HALIDE_REGISTER_GENERATOR macro. The CASPER meta-program invokes some top-level routines in the Halide compiler library for each generator, and Halide eventually invokes the generate and the schedule methods to produce a library archive (.a) with the object code.

Halide tasks may input and output into Buffer<float>, Buffer<double>, Buffer<int> multidimentional array types, as well as into scalar variables of type int or double. The lowering pass in the CASPER Compiler described previously, converts MemRef types into these Halide types, as well as wrapps scalars into a "box" so that they may be dereferenced and modified by the Halide task function.

CASPER supports more than one variant of object code compiled from the same source code of one task. For example, a Halide task might have parameters in its Halide schedule, and different choices for the values of these parameters would correspond to different variants of the compiled object code. The variants are defined in a configuration file: tuned-params.ini that is expected to be in application's directory, described in the usage section. When the meta-program executes, it invokes the DSL compiler once for each variant defined in this file. The object code for all variants is eventually linked into the same executable, and this is possible because the entry function into each variant is given a unique suffix. The CASPER Autotuner is useful for automatically finding parameter values with the best performance.

Tasks written in Unified Form Language (UFL)

Tasks that elect to use UFL to express differential equations are written in .py file with two special methods at the top-level scope:

  • a generate() method that returns a list of kernels to be compiled (details below) that are defined by UFL expressions
  • a solve() method that is invoked only at runtime

CASPER Compiler leverages UFL through the Firedrake framework, however with one important change: compilation in CASPER is ahead-of-time, whereas compilation in Firedrake is just-in-time. This change introduces a complication to the architecture of the UFL tasks. In Firedrake the information needed to compile is tightly coupled with the information/state needed to run the program. CASPER Compiler does patch Firedrake to decouple these two sets of state but not to a perfect extent. As a result, the UFL expressions and other objects instantiated in the generate() method are necessary not only to compile but also to run the program. Therefore, CASPER Compiler invokes the generate method both at compile time and again at rutime, however during the runtime invocation, no compilation happens, only various runtime state objects are setup.

For the above reaons, the generate() method returns a tuple, the elements of which are:

  • a list of objects each of which corresponds to a kernel that will later be compiled,
  • a solver object that defines and parametrizes the solver routines from petsc4py that are to be used for the solution of equations; this is part of the runtime state
  • a dictionary of other objects that are part of the runtime state

The UFL expressions are written in the generate() method, and the return value from each expression is accumulated into a list. That list is the first element of the tuple returned from the generate method.

The solve() method takes a context object and a state object. The context object contains the solver object and the dictionary returned by the generate() method in the second and third elements of its return tuple. The state object contains references to the compiled kernels. The code in the solve() tasks uses casper API method invoke_task() to invoke such a compiled kernel. The solve() method may also contain any arbitrary Python code, and will certainly contain calls to the solver.solve() method and calls into the PETSc library via petsc4py.

Construction of the executable

The output from the lowering transformations is a program in LLVM IR, saved in a standalone .ll file. The final stage of the CASPER Compiler is to compile this LLVM IR program into a native binary. CASPER Compiler does this by calling llc, the LLVM compiler. This process is orchestrated by CMake build code that is part of the CASPER Compiler.

Applications that are built by CASPER, include the CASPER CMake package (defined in CASPERConfig.cmake shipped with CASPER Compiler). This CMake package defines rules for:

  1. compiling and linking the meta-program
  2. executing the meta-program to produce the .ll LLVM IR code for the task graph (lowering described above takes place here), and the object code archives for each variant of each task
  3. compiling the .ll LLVM IR code into an object code archive (.a) with the lowered task-graph using llc, the LLVM compiler
  4. linking the object code for the task-graph and for the task variants into one executable using the ld linker.

The above-described flow has a notable implication on the implementation of the CMake code. The rules that define Steps 3 and 4 cannot be formulated until the rules of Step 2 run. This is because in order to link tasks together, it is necessary to know what tasks there are, and that knowledge exists only in the meta-program, at its runtime (the meta-program may generate tasks when it runs, so it's not possible to avoid this dependency by somehow parsing the meta-program code, even in principle). In order to account for this dependency, rules for Step 3 and 4 are implemented in a separate nested CMake project, that is generated by the parent CMake project at the end of Step 2 (after the meta-program has run and has output all the needed information about tasks).

It would be feasible to build the functionality for constructing the executable into the CASPER library linked with the meta-program (which does all the other lowering steps). This might make for a simpler interface for the user. However, the benefit of the present approach is that it is more flexible: the user can change some aspects of this final linking more easily by editting their application's CMake build code (that calls CASPER-provided CMake code), as opposed to having to extend this functionality in the CASPER Compiler, and rebuild the compiler.

The executable is ready to be run on the target platform (e.g. an HPC cluster). For applications whose tasks support parallel execution using MPI, the executable can be invoked using an MPI launcher (e.g. mpirun or prun). Any task that is not MPI-capable will execute on each rank; each tasks that is MPI-capable will get distributed among the reanks by the logic private to that task's implementation (e.g. Distributed Halide, Firedrake's MPI capability, etc).


Exactly one system is supported: a specific snapshot of Gentoo Prefix (similar to a container, but works without root privileges); but this one Prefix system itself is portable to most Linux distributions, including on HPC clusters, and though it, CASPER Compiler has been successfully tested on:

  • OLCF Summit
  • ANL Theta
  • CentOS 7
  • Ubuntu 18.04

The instructions for building Gentoo Prefix are in the casper-utils repository.

The package versions installed in the Gentoo Prefix snapshot are the authoritative source for the dependency graph of CASPER Compiler. The following information about dependencies serves a rough informational purpose only:

  • LLVM with MLIR components (tested with 11.0.1)
  • Halide (tested with unreleased >11.0.1)
  • Python 3 (tested with 3.8)
  • Firedrake (tested with 20210226)
  • PETSc (tested with unreleased >3.15)
  • SLEPc (tested with unreleased >3.15)
  • Solvers: HYPRE, MUMPS, SuperLU_DIST, and others
  • ...and, many many transitive dependencies of the above


The build instructions are also available in the casper-utils.git repository linked above.

To build the compiler, enter the Gentoo Prefix and run:

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ make

The compiler can only be built with Clang, not with GCC.

The compiler may be used from its build directory or it may be installed into the system with (untested):

$ make install

Building applications

To build an application using the CASPER Compiler, the application build must be defined using CMake. In the application's CMakeLists.txt include the CASPER package:

find_package(CASPER REQUIRED)

If the CASPER Compiler has not been installed into the system but only built, then you may give a path to its source directory as a hint:

find_package(CASPER REQUIRED PATHS "/path/to/casper-compiler/source)

Next, invoke the API function to create rules for a CASPER application executable:

casper_add_exec(sarbp sarbp.meta
  SOURCES sarbp.meta.cpp tasks.cpp

The first argument is the name of the application executable, the second is the name of the meta-program executable. The source files for the meta-program and the source files that contain the generators for the are listed in the SOURCES array.

There are several optional arguments to the casper_add_exec function:

  • C_KERNEL_SOURCES: source files with non-DSL task functions written in C
  • EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIRS: include paths to add when building the application
  • EXTRA_PACKAGES: CMake packages to include when in the application project (it may be necessary to list Halide here, as a temporary workaround)
  • EXTRA_LIBRARIES: libraries to add to the link line (may be CMake targets) (it may be necessary to list Halide::Halide here, as a temporary workaround)
  • PLATFORM: platform definition file in .ini format, part of CASPER Autotuner integration (unused so far)
  • TUNED_PARAMS: file in .ini format that defines the variants of task object code to generate for each task, by setting the values of generator parameters for each variant
  • RUNTIME_CFG: runtime configuration in .ini format, that sets some parameters read by the CASPER Runtime when the application runs.

The CMake script for the application may add arbirary CMake directives, e.g. add more libraries to link the meta-program with, define custom targets, etc.

Metaprogram API for Application

Programs compiled by CASPER Compiler are graphs of tasks that are defined by a meta-program. The meta-program is written in C++ and constructs the task graph using CASPER Compiler API. This API is summarized here. This is not an exhaustive reference, but serves as an "at-a-glance" description of what CASPER Compiler is and does. Functional examples of applications are given in the casper-utils.git repo in exp/apps/casper/.

A typical meta-program would look as follows:

#include <casper.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    Options opts;
    opts.parseOrExit(argc, argv);

    TaskGraph tg("blur");

    Dat *img = tg.createFloatDat(2, {IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH});
    Dat *img_blurred = tg.createDat(IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH);

    Task& task_load = tg.createTask(CKernel("hal_blur"), {img}, {});
    Task& task_blur = tg.createTask(HalideKernel("hal_blur"),
                        {img, img_blurred}, {&task_load});

    return tryCompile(tg, opts);

The TaskGraph objects represents the application program. The nodes in this graphs are tasks, and the edges are logical dependencies between tasks. The task objects are instantiated using createTask method. This reateTask method accepts a set of kernel objects:

  • HalideKernel: a task written in the Halide DSL
  • FEMAKernel: a task written with UFL expressions
  • CKernel: a non-DSL task function written in C
  • PyKernel: a non-DSL task function written in Python The argument to the kernel constructors is the name of the entrypoint function as a string.

The dependencies between tasks are created implicitly when a task object is passed to a constructor of another task (in the list that is the third argument to the task constructor).

The data buffers are declared using createDat. They are notionally associated with the task graph, however they are neither nodes nor edges in the graph. There is a family of create*Dat methods for data arrays of different types, all of which take the number of dimensions as the first argument:

  • createDoubleDat: double-precision floating-point
  • createFloatDat: single-precision floating-point
  • createIntDat: integer, bitwidth is taken as an argument

It is also possible to create scalar values of different types to pass them among tasks, with create*Scalar methods. The scalars are "boxed" and passed by reference, so the task may modify a scalar value given to it.

For passing data and state between UFL and Python tasks, a generic Python object is used as a container. Such an object can be created with createPyObj and passed to tasks just like a data buffer.

Alongside the meta-program that defines the task graph, each task is implemented (in separate source files) using a generator in the respective DSL.

A Halide task implementation would look like the following:

#include <Halide.h>

using namespace Halide;
using namespace Halide::Tools;

class BlurGenerator : public Halide::Generator<BlurGenerator> {
    GeneratorParam<int> tile_x{"tile_x", 1};

    Input<Buffer<double>> input{"input", 2};
    Output<Buffer<double>> output{"blur_y", 2};
    void generate() {
        output(x) = 0.5 * intput(x) + 0.5 * input(x + 1);

    void schedule() {
HALIDE_REGISTER_GENERATOR(HalideBlur, halide_blur)

The name of this task that is referenced in the metaprogram is the second argument to HALIDE_REGISTER_GENERATOR macro: halide_blur.

A UFL task implementation would look lie the following:

import casper
from firedrake import *
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc

def generate():
    tasks = dict()
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(mesh_size, mesh_size)

    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", degree)
    ME = V*V
    du = TrialFunction(ME)
    q, v = TestFunctions(ME)
    u, u0 = Function(ME), Function(u0)

    F0 = c*q*dx - c0*q*dx + dt*dot(grad(mu_mid), grad(q))*dx
    F1 = mu*v*dx - dfdc*v*dx - lmbda*dot(grad(c), grad(v))*dx
    F = F0 + F1
    J = derivative(F, u, du)

    trial, test = TrialFunction(V), TestFunction(V)
    tasks["hats"] = casper.assemble(sqrt(a) * inner(trial, test)*dx + \
            sqrt(c)*inner(grad(trial), grad(test))*dx)
    tasks["assign"] = ...

    problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, u, J=J)
    solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem, solver_parameters=params)
    return tasks, solver, dict(u=u, u0=u0)

def solve(ctx, state): # runs only at runtime
    hats = state["hats"] # reference to compiled kernel
    solver, u, u0 = ctx[1], ctx[2]["u"], ctx[2]["u0"] # runtime state

    ksp_hats = PETSc.KSP()

    for step in range(STEPS):
        casper.invoke_task(ctx, "assign", state)

The generate method defines the UFL expressions, each of which corresponds to a kernel, which is going to be compiled when the meta-program runs. At compile-time, the meta-program invokes this generate method, and then invokes the UFL compiler on each returned UFL expression. The generate method is also invoked at runtime (see details in the Implementation section of this document). The solve method is invoked only at runtime, it invokes compiled kernels. This invocation takes one of two forms: (A) the kernel is passed to petsc4py, or (B) the kernel is invoked explicitly with casper.invoke_task API call.

Configuration files

The CASPER Compiler consumes some configuration files in the .ini format:

  • tuned-params.ini: defines the task variants; a variant is a version of object code compiled for the same task source code, and is defined by a set of values for generator parameters. The format of this file is as follows:

     [<taskname> <variant_id>]
     <param_name> = <param_value>

    For example, two variants of the blur task:

     [blur 0]
     target = x86-64-linux-no_runtime-sse41
     vectorsize = 16
     [blur 1]
     target = x86-64-linux-no_runtime-sse41
     vectorsize = 32

    The target parameter specifies the target architectrute for the Halide code-generator, and can be different for different variants (e.g. GPU variant and CPU variant).

  • crt.ini: configuration parameters for CASPER Runtime. These are read by CASPER Runtime when the application executes. The format is a flat set of key-value pairs, for example, to tell the CASPER Runtime to always invoke the variant with id 1 (note: this should include a task name, but doesn't yet):

     variant_id = 1