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Python implementation of the Multivariate Community Hawkes (MULCH) model for continuous-time dynamic networks


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MULCH: The Multivariate Community Hawkes Model

MULCH is a highly flexible continuous-time network model that introduces dependence between node pairs in a controlled manner. This repo includes the model's implementation and code to replicate all experiments in The Multivariate Community Hawkes Model for Dependent Relational Events in Continuous-time Networks paper, presented at International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022).


Dynamic networks are in format of timestamped events between nodes pairs (x, y, txy). We jointly model all node pairs using a multivariate Hawkes process where an event between a node pair (x, y) can increase the probability of events between same and other node pairs (i, j).

MULCH is based on the Stochastic Block Model where each node i belongs to a block a. Each node pair (i, j) then belongs to a block pair (a, b). We assume a block diagonal structure on so that events of node pair (x, y) in bp(a, b) can only excite node pairs (i, j) in bp(a, b) & bp(b, a).

Excitation Parameters

Each block pair (a, b) has a unique set of excitation parameters, called alphaabxy->ij, which controls how events between node pairs (i, j) in the block pair (a, b) are excited by other node pairs. We consider 6 types of excitations for each block pair, which are listed in the table below:

Excitation Parameters

Toy Example

Toy network of 8 nodes to illustrate the different excitations in MULCH. Nodes 1:5 are in block a, while nodes 6:8 are in block b. The event between (1, 8) (dashed line) excites the processes of the other node pairs shown in solid lines by the specified excitation value ab or ba. Toy Network

For more details about the model's assumptions and estimation procedure, please refer to our paper MULCH.

Project Content

  • runs the following MULCH Simulated Network Experiments (see subsection 5.1 & appendix B.2 in our paper):

    1. spectral clustering accuracy
    2. refinement algorithm performance
    3. MULCH parameters estimation accuracy
  • fits MULCH on MID dataset, then runs some evaluation performance experiments (subsection 5.2 & Section 6). A code snippet from this file is discussed in the Usage Instructions section below.

  • Fit MULCH on Reality Mining, Enron, Facebook datasets, and similarly evaluates performance (section 5.2).

  • & : CHIP, BHM, and ADM4 models comparison against MULCH ( section 5.2).

  • storage directory where all datasets files are saved.


To clone, use git clone --recurse-submodules + repo URL

which will automatically initialize and update CHIP as a submodule in CHIP-Network-Model directory.

Alternatively, run the following commands from MULCH directory after cloning:

git submodule init
git submodule update


  • CHIP model's code is added as a submodule in the directory CHIP-Network-Model.


  • DyNetworkX package, used for motif count experiments. To install, use: pip install DyNetworkX
  • Modified hawkes repository by Steve Morse for MULCH simulation (included as a directory).


Refer to requirements.txt for the required packages.

Note: We also used tick==0.6.0 package for ADM4 model fitting tests.

Usage Instructions

Fitting MULCH

  • Argument of fit function:

    We fit MULCH using fit_refinement_mulch(). The following parameters need to be specified alongside passing train dataset:
    • K: number of network's blocks. We usually test the model over a range of values ex.[1:10].
    • n_alpha: number of types of excitations per block pair (refer to excitation table above). Can be set to 2 (self & reciprocal), 4 (first 4 types), or 6. Default is 6, which is our full model.
    • betas: (Q,) array of kernel decays. Choice of decay values depend on the network duration, events intensity, and timestamps scale. We recommend choosing up to 3 values. Timestamps in our datasets were rescaled to be in the range [0; 1000]. See the following betas suggestions for MID and Reality Mining datasets:
      • MID (duration=8380 days) betas = np.reciprocal(np.array([2*30, 2*7, 1/2]) * (1000 / 8380)) # [2months, 2weeks, 1/2day]
      • Reality Mining (duration=150 days) betas = np.reciprocal(np.array([7, 2, 1/24]) * (1000 / 150) ) # [1week, 2day, 1hours]
    • max_iter_ref: Maximum number of nodes membership refinement & fit iterations. Default is 0 (no refinement). Any integer between [0:10] is a reasonable range.
  • Interpreting MULCH fit parameters:

    Our full model's parameters is a tuple (mu_bp, alpha_1_bp, ..., alpha_n_bp, C_bp, betas), where:
    • mu_bp is the baseline (K, K) array for the K2 block pairs. For example mu_bp[a, b] is the baseline parameter of node pairs in block pair (a, b).
    • all alpha_i_bp's are (K, K) arrays of different excitations types.
    • C_bp: (K, K, Q) array of the kernel scaling parameters. C_bp[a, b] is the (Q,) array kernel scaling of block pair (a, b).
    • betas is the given (Q,) array of decays.

Example - Fit MID

First, we use read_csv_split_train() to read the dataset saved in a 3-column csv file (sender, receiver, timestamps). The following code uses first 80% of events for train. The dataset is converted into an events-dictionary {(x, y): [t1_xy, t2_xy, ..]} format, where keys are node pairs (x, y) in network, and values are arrays of timestamped-events [t1_xy, t2_xy, ..] between (x, y).

import os
import utils_fit_model

file_path_csv = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "storage", "datasets", "MID", "MID.csv")
# read full dataset and use 0.8 as train
train_tup, all_tup, nodes_not_in_train = utils_fit_model.read_csv_split_train(file_path_csv,
# train and full dataset tuples
events_dict_train, n_nodes_train, duration_train, n_events_train, id_node_map_train = train_tup
events_dict_all, n_nodes_all, duration_all, n_events_all, id_node_map_all = all_tup

Second, we fit MULCH to train dataset using fit_refinement_mulch(), where k is number of block and betas is array of decays. The following code fits MULCH using spectral clustering node membership (no refinement), then we compute both train and full model log-likelihood.

import numpy as np
from utils_fit_refine_mulch import fit_refinement_mulch

betas = np.reciprocal(np.array([2 * 30, 7, 1 / 12]) * (1000 / 8380))  # [2 month, 1week, 2 hour]
# no refinement iterations and use 6 types of excitation for all block pairs.
sp_tup, _, ref_message = fit_refinement_mulch(events_dict_train, n_nodes_train, duration_train, K=4,

# Results tuple using spectral clustering for node membership
nodes_mem_train, fit_param, ll_train, n_events_train, fit_time = sp_tup
# assign new nodes didn't appear in train to largest block
node_mem_all = utils_fit_model.assign_node_membership_for_missing_nodes(nodes_mem_train,
# mulch's log-likelihood on full dataset
ll_all, n_events_all = utils_fit_model.log_likelihood_mulch(fit_param, events_dict_all,
                                                            node_mem_all, K,

See for the complete MID fitting code, and performance evaluation experiments. This file contains code to replicate our case study in section 6 in out paper.


Python implementation of the Multivariate Community Hawkes (MULCH) model for continuous-time dynamic networks







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