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Planet Identity Reboot

Inspired by the original Identity Management feed aggregator, enabled by Pluto static site feed-reader, and GitHub Actions.

Brought to you by Kaliya IdentityWoman, and Infominer.

Add Your Feeds

Add your personal blog to this feed by editing planetid.ini including it's name, link, and link to its rss \ atom feed.

Enterprise page(s) coming soon.

The template for these pages is in the planetid directory. The html templates use embedded ruby (ERB) Feel free to contribute, if there are any improvements you'd like to make.

Pluto Feed Reader

Try this at home

Install Dependencies

  • Install Homebrew (not critical for this, but crucial as a mac user. easily install many softwares)
    • /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Git - (Mac)
    • once installed set your user name and email the same as GitHub.
      • git config --global "UserName"
      • git config --global "[email protected]"
  • RBEnv

    brew install rbenv ruby-build
    curl -fsSL | bash (this script checks to see if properly setup)

  • rbenv install 2.6
  • brew install sqlite3

Clone this repository

Scroll to the top of this page click the green "code" button and copy its git link.

Open up a terminal (on mac ctrl + space and type "terminal")

git clone

Enter the freshly cloned repository, and set ruby version 2.6 to be used in this folder.

cd identity-blogcatcher
rbenv local 2.6

Install Pluto and other Ruby packages

To install the planet pluto tools and libraries use ruby's built-in standard package manager / installer e.g.

$  gem install pluto && gem install nokogiri && gem install sanitize

Build Planet ID


$ pluto help

to check up on your pluto installation. Resulting in:

    pluto - another planet generator (lets you build web pages from published web feeds)

    pluto [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


    -c, --config=PATH - Configuration Path (default: ~/.pluto)
    --help            - Show this message
    -q, --quiet       - Only show warnings, errors and fatal messages
    --verbose         - (Debug) Show debug messages
    --version         - Display the program version

    about, a      - (Debug) Show more version info
    build, b      - Build planet
    fetch, f      - Fetch feeds
    help          - Shows a list of commands or help for one command
    install, i    - Install template pack
    list, ls, l   - List installed template packs
    merge, m      - Merge planet template pack
    update, up, u - Update planet feeds

Now build the planet. Try:

$ pluto b planetid.ini -t planetid -o docs

Open the html files

Now you should have printed html files in the docs directory.. go to your graphical file manager and look for this project in your home directory

Review GitHub Action

In .github/workflows/ you can find the instructions GitHub uses to run this project.



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